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Page Title: Table II. Torque Values
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greater than 1,000 psi. The bolts shall be so
total indicator reading (TIR). Alternate pro-
selected that when the torque required to effect
cedures of equivalent sensitivity may be used if
the maximum pressure is applied, 75 percent
approved by the procuring activity.
of the maximum allowable torque specified in
3.6.3 Sealing pressure (class A). Fittings
table II shall not be exceeded. Multibolt fit-
shall be designed to effect a satisfactory seal
when a minimum pressure of 600 psi is applied
tings utilizing -28 bolts shall be designed to
be torqued between 25 and 35 inch-pounds, ex-
to the sealing surface. To prevent cold-flow,
cept when self-locking inserts are utilized.
the maximum sealing pressure shall be not
3.8 Class C fittings.
3.7 Class B fittings.
3.8.1 Assembly fittings (not cell mounted).
3.7.1 Wicking (class B). Fittings shall be
so designed and constructed that fluid wickage
See 6.3.1. Sealing surface flatness.
will not occur into the tank construction. Sealing surface flatness (free state).
3.7.2 Sealing surface flatness (class B).
Surface shall be so designed that the variation
Same requirement as 3.6.2.
in flatness of the sealing surface in a free state
3.7.3 Sealing pressure (class B). Fittings
shall not exceed 0.001 inch TIR. The surface
utilizing rubberized fabric sealing surfaces
shall be designed to effect a satisfactory seal
shall be normal to the centerline of the fitting
within 1 degree.
when a minimum pressure of 1,200 psi is ap- Sealing surface flatness (gasket in-
plied to the sealing surface. To prevent cold-
stalled). When a transparent acrylic plate of
flow, the maximum sealing pressure shall be
1 inch minimum thickness is placed on the sur-
not greater than 1,500 psi. However, fittings
face with the appropriate gasket installed, and
utilizing a rubber surface to effect a seal shall
the bolts torqued to 60 percent of the nominal
be designed for minimum and maximum pres-
installation torque, 75 percent of the sealing-
sures of 600 and 1,000 psi, respectively. Bolts
surf ace width (minimum surf ace across which
shall be so selected that when the torque re-
fuel must travel to reach atmosphere) shall be
quired to effect the maximum pressure is ap-
in contact with the plate. The plate shall be
plied, 75 percent of the maximum allowable
flat to within 0.0005 inch TIR. Alternate pro-
torque specified in table I shall not be exceeded.
Multibolt fittings utilizing -28 bolts shall be
cedures of equivalent sensitivity may be used
if approved by the procuring activity.
designed to be torqued between 45 and 55 inch-
pounds when rubberized fabric is used to effect "0" ring groove depth. When at-
a seal, and between 25 and 35 inch-pounds when
tached to a rigid plate that is flat and parallel
within 0.0005 inch TIR, the depth of the groove
a rubber surface is utilized, except when self-
locking inserts are utilized.
shall be within the tolerances specified in the

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