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(e) Painting procedure and color of paint
natural raised and rounded nonmountainous terrain
(see 3.6).
forming grades of various degrees.
6.5 Test scope. Each bidder is invited to visit
6.3 Superseding data. This specification
the Department of the Army testing facilities at
supersedes the following or portions thereof:
Aberdeen Proving Ground, prior to submitting
MIL-T-45382(ORD), dated 20 October 1961:
proposals, in order to familiarize himself with the
Trailer, Low Bed: Guided Missile, 7 Ton,
scope and type of tests to which the vehicle will be
4 Wheel, XM529.
subjected. Failure of any bidder to avail himself
MIL-T-45320A (ORD), dated 2 June 1959:
of this opportunity shall not react to his benefit in
Trailers, Low Bed and Chassis, Trailers:
the event that construction failures result from
3-and 5-Ton, 4-Wheel (Type I and 11 low
such tests.
bed portions).
6.6 Figure 1. M529 loading.
MIL-T-45346, dated 16 November 1959:
Trailer, Bomb: 2-Ton, 4-Wheel, M143A1.
6.7 Weight (M529) gross weight (GVW) will
be 28,000 pounds. Net vehicle weight will be
6.4 Road definitions:
approximately 14,500 pounds.
6.8 Design responsibility. Performance
6.4.1 Primary roads. Primary (main) roads may
requirements are established to provide criteria for
be defined as an improved thoroughfare paved
determining conformance of the vehicle to
with cement concrete, brick, or macadem to create
specified requirements, including workmanship
a level, smooth, hard surface sufficiently wide to
and materials. The contractor shall not assume
accommodate at least two-way traffic at high
design responsibility unless specifically directed
speeds under all weather conditions.
by the procuring agency through Engineering
6.4.2 Secondary roads. Secondary roads may
be defined as an improved route prepared on a dry
Notice. When Government drawings, specifications,
earth bed covered with compacted gravel or
or other data are used for any purpose other than in
connection with a definitely related Government
crushed stone to form a comparatively level, solid
procurement operation, the United States Government
surface of adequate width to serve at least two-
thereby incurs no responsibility nor any obligation
way traffic at moderate speeds under all weather
whatsoever; and the fact that the Government may have
formulated, furnished, or in any way supplied the said
drawings, specifications, or other data is not to be
6.4.3 Level cross country. Level cross-country
regarded by implication or otherwise as in any manner
operation may be defined as travel over
licensing the holder or any other person or corporation,
unimproved dirt roads, cleared nonwooded trails,
or conveying any rights or permission to manufacture,
and open fields having firm terrain.
use, or sell any patented invention that may in any way
be related thereto.
6.4.4 Hilly cross country. Hilly cross-country
Preparing activity:
operation may be defined as travel over firm,
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