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3.6.5  Chassis
frame.  T h e c h a s s i s f r a m e s h a l l b e r i g i d l y c o n s t r u c t e d w i t h
a capability of withstanding, without mechanical failure, the tests described
in 4.6.
Steering of the two rear wheels shall be accomplished by
3.6.6  Steering.
The steering gear ratio shall insure positive con-
a power steering mechanism.
trol of the lift truck while traveling at maximum speeds and be capable of
turning the wheels while the lift truck is stationary.
The brakes shall hold the loaded lift truck on a twenty
3.6.7 B r a k e s .
percent grade.
The lift truck shall have hydraulic brakes.
The Service brake.
brakes shall be foot pedal controlled and capable of stopping the fully loaded
lift truck traveling at 10 mph within a maximum distance of 16 feet. Parking brake.
The lift truck shall be equipped with hydraulic
This shall be provided by locking hydraulic pressure in the
parking  brakes.
service  brakes.  A valve will be provided in the operator's compartment for
The parking brakes s h a l l b e c a p a b l e o f h o l d i n g t h e l o a d e d l i f t
this purpose.
truck on a 20 percent incline when the rotary. by-pass valve is in the open
The lift truck shall be provided with a lift
3.6.8 Hydraulic lift system.
ing capability of 3000 pounds, c o n s i s t i n g of a complete hydraulic system, can-
mechanist., l i f t a r m s a n d c r a d l e ,
The control valves and hydraulic
system design shall minimize hydraulic actuator drift or movement unless com-
m a n d e d by t h e  o p e r a t o r .  A c t u a t o r d r i f t s h a l l n o t e x c e e d 1 / 2 i n c h p e r h o u r .
system shall 1 have' control valves
3 . 6 . 8 . l  C o n t r o l v a l v e s . The  hydraulic
f o r p o s i t i v e metering of the hydraulic fluid to insure a smooth operation.
lift truck shall be provided with two sets of control valves.
one set,
located  at  the  operator's  compartment.  shall  control  lift
The second set,
located  on  the  cradle,  shall  control  lift,  tilt, lateral and longitudinaal table
Packing installation shall be in accordance with P a c k i n g s .
Pressure compensated system pump
The lift shall be provided with
a p r e s s u r e compensated system pump.
This pump shall automatically vary its
operating  pressure  shall
volume as required by demand on the hydraulic system.
be maintained in tile pump line only until a demand is made on the hydraulic
M a x i m u m operating p r e s s u r e s h a l l b e 1 5 0 0 p s i .
Hand pump. The h y d r a u l i c s y s t e m s h a l l c o n t a i n a h a n d p u m p w h i c h
w i l l  p r o v i d e  p o w e r  f o r lift  motion  in  the  event  of  engine  or  system  pump
The lifting mechanisn shall be such that stores
Lifting  mechanism.
being listed shall remain in a given attitude during  the  lifting  operation.
mechanism s h a l l h a v e a c a p a c i t y o f l i f t i n g s t o r e s f r o m 6 3 / 8 i n c h e s
Provisions  shall
above ground leve1 to 75 inches minimum above  g r o u n d  l e v e l .
be made to prevent binding of the lifting mechanism while lifting with the
lift truck setting on an uneven surface.

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