| ![]() MIL-A-18977D(OS)
(Application for copies should be addressed to the Superintendent of
Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402.)
3.1 Description. The amplifier channel is an electronic amplifier
which receives a 400-Hertz error voltage and amplifies this error voltage
in a phase-sensitive detector, the dc output of which is fed to a dc
voltage amplifier and to a power amplifier. The output of the power
amplifier controls an electromagnetic clutch, Drawing 694739.
3.2 General requirements
3.2.1 Data required. No data is required by this specification (other
than reports accompanying samples submitted for preproduction and periodic
production testing), or by applicable documents referenced in Section 2,
unless specified in the contract or order (see 6.2).
3.2.2 Preproduction sample. Unless otherwise specified in the contract
or order, preproduction samples of the amplifier channel shall be manu-
factured using methods and procedures proposed for the production lot. The
units shall be tested as specified in Section 4 herein and are for the
purpose of determining, prior to starting production, that the contractors
production methods are capable of producing amplifier channels that com-
ply with the technical requirements of the contract. See 4.3.1.
3.2.3 Materials. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, requisi-
tion, or order, all materials and purchased parts entering into the final
assembly of the amplifier channel shall conform to the detailed require-
ments indicated on the drawings and specifications listed in LD 162565,
LD 296726, and Drawing 1.154877.
3.2.4 Finishes, coatings, construction, and dimensions. Finishes,
coatings, construction, and dimensions for the amplifier channel shall
be in accordance with the applicable drawings, specifications, and
publications listed in LD 162565, LD 296726, and Drawing 1154877.
3.2.5 Moisture, fungus, and corrosion. The amplifier channel shall
be rendered moisture, fungus, and corrosion resistant in accordance with
detail requirements specified in the drawings and specifications listed in
LD 162565, LD 296726, and Drawing 1154877. When moisture, fungus, and
corrosion resistance are not specified in these documents, the amplifier
channel shall conform as required by NAVORD OS 6341.
3.2.6 Marking. Marking of assemblies, subassemblies, and parts shall
be in accordance with the applicable drawings listed in LD 162565, LD
296726, and Drawing 1154877.
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