| ![]() MIL-A-194O1(Aer) A torque of 10 2 inch-pounds shall be produced
when the straight lever is moved 0.125 .005 inch (measured
at roller, BuOrd drawing 837526) in both directions from its
neutral position.
3.7.2 Switches Scan Direction Selector Switch (S505) - When the
C-shaped lever is engaged with the roller, BuOrd throwing
837526, the normally open contact of switch S505 (see BuOrd
drawings 790458 and 790459) shall be closed and the normally
closed contact shall be open. When the C-shaped lever is not engaged with the
roller, the normally open contact of switch S505 shall be open
and the normally closed contact shall be closed. Scan Direction Switch (S506) - When the straight
lever, BuOrd drawing 760040, is engaged with the roller and
is moved from its neutral position in a direction towards the
nameplate, the normally closed contact of switch S506 shall
be open and the normally open contact shall be closed. When the straight lever is moved from its
neutral position in a direction away from the nameplate, the
normally closed contact of switch S506 shall be closed and
the normally open contact shall be open.
3.8 Environmental
3.8.1 Temperature - The equipment shall conform with all
requirements of this specifications under temperature
conditions as specified in NAVORD OD 8176 except that the
temperature range shall be modified to read -55C to +71C
(-67F tO +160F). To determine compliance with 3.8.1, each type
test sample shall be subjected to one (1) cycle of
inspection tests at maximum and minimum temperatures.
3.8.2 Humidity - The equipment shall conform with all
requirements of this specification under humidity conditions
as specified in OD 8176. To determine compliance with 3.8.2, each type
test sample shall be subjected to one (1) cycle of inspection
tests at any combination of temperature and humidity that
will alternately form water and frost on the unit.
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