| ![]() MIL-A-l936A(Wep)
4.3.l.4 Taxi: Ground taxi or towing tests of the fully serviced tanker aircraft shall be conducted to
determine compliance with requirements of Specification MIL-F-17874. Functional: A functional checkout with the tanker package installed shall be performed to
demonstrate that the hose reels, pumps and associated systems are operable and properly adjusted.
The complete fuel system installed as part of the tanker package including the lines, hose reel,
hose and reception coupling shall be proof-pressure tested. Fuel transfer tests shall be conducted
and the fuel pressure at the inlet to the reception coupling shall be determined over the range of
flow rates. Surge pressures in the tanker fuel system shall be determined for conditions of pump
start-up and for fuel shut-off both by simulated receiver aircraft automatic fuel level control and
by inadvertent disengagement by the receiver aircraft with fuel flowing at maximum rate. Structural: Tanker external store and pod installations shall be structurally tested to
design ultimate load, most critical condition to failure, for critical conditions of the installation.
4.3.2 Flight tests: Flight tests of the tanker aircraft shall be conducted to determined the per-
formance envelope of minimum and maximum air refueling speeds from 500 feet to maximum altitude. Trail and rewind: Drogue extension and retraction with fuel in the hose shall be performed
at 15,000 feet altitude and at 40,000 feet altitude (or maximum attainable altitude if lower than
40,000 feet). Extension and retraction shall be performed at both the minimum and maximum speeds of
the air refueling envelope at each altitude. The minimum airspeed at which the drogue will remain
fully extended shall be determined. Compliance with 3.8.11. and 3.8.14 shall be demonstrated. Multi-
point tankers shall have all stations evaluated both singly and concurrently. Refueling: Engagement by receiver aicraft, fuel transfer and disengagement shall be ac-
complished at the speeds and altitudes of to determine compliance with and 3.8.13.
Multi-point tankers shall have all stations evaluated both singly and concurrently. Also, one refueling
operation shall be conducted at 500 feet altitude at maximum refueling speed in light turbulence. One
refueling operation at high altitude shall include transfer of the maximum available quantity of fuel
from the tanker.
4,3.2.3 Emergency; All emergency provisions shall be demonstrated to determine compliance with 3.5.6,
3.6, 3.8.16 and One emergency drogue extension, engagement and fuel transfer shall be
performed. Tanker package fuel jettisoning shall be demonstrated at maximum air refueling speed at
5,000 feet altitude. Jettisoning of droppable tanker packages shall be demonstrated with dummy
packages at 500 feet altitude at takeoff speed full of fuel with the drogue retracted and at maximum
air refueling speed empty of fuel with the drogue extended. Hose jettisoning shall be demonstrated
at maximum air refueling speed at 5,000 feet altitude. Lighting: One air refueling operation shall be performed at night under conditions of darkness
without moonlight. Multi-point tankers shall have all stations evaluated concurrently. Other demonstrations: Structural, aerodynamic, and carrier suitability demonstrations shall be
performed as applicable and as required.
4.4 Receiver aircraft.
4.4.1 Ground tests.
4.4.l.l Functional: The installed probe shall be proof-pressure tested and functionally tested. Fuel
transfer rates shall be determined for pressure up to 55 psig at the probe nozzle. Surge pressures
in the receiver system shall be measured to determine compliance with requirements of Specification
MIL-F-17874. Mechanical: Retractable probes shall be operated to demonstrate extension and retraction. Structural: The probe installation shall be structurally tested to determine compliance with
4.4.2 Flight tests. Engagement; Engagements shall be made to determine compliance with 3.15.1. Refueling: Engagement, fuel transfer and disengagement shall be accomplished to determine the
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