| MIL-A-21001A(Wep)
spring, shall be free to be drawn from the housing as the safety spring
releasing tool, Dwg 1387994 is inserted through the 0.125 hole in the side
of the housing and the spring is sufficiently compressed.
3.2.6 Operating torque. The shutter, including dummy detonators, when
assembled with the contact mount assembly but without the safety spring,
shall rotate from the unarmed stop position to the armed stop position and
from the armed stop position to the unarmed stop position with a torque of
4 plus or minus 2 inch pounds.
3.2.7 Switch securement. After the switch has been secured by the bracket
to the housing, as called for on Dwg 1378167, the switch shall resist a 3
pound pull, applied to the leads of the switch, without shifting position
beneath the bracket or coming free of the housing.
3.2.8 Switch operation. The switch, when secured by the bracket to the
housing, shall close as a force of 4 pounds is applied directly against
the switch actuating face to show an electrical resistance between the switch
leads of less than 0.1 ohm.
3.2.9 Armed position resistance. When dummy detonators, which have been
internally shorted to show a resistance of less than 0.05 ohm between the
prongs, are inserted in the shutter and rotated to the armed position, the
resistance between the terminal pins of the contact mount assembly shall
be not greater than 0.1 ohm.
3.2.10 Contact mount resistance, With detonators removed, the resistance
between the two terminals of the contact mount assembly shall be not less
than 15.4 ohms nor greater than 17.4 ohms.
3.2.11 Unarmed position resistance. When individual leads, whose
resistances are not more than 0.03 ohm each, are attached to the prongs
of a dummy detonator having open circuit characteristics and the detonator
is inserted in the shutter and rotated to the disarmed position, the
resistance between the detonator leads shall be not greater than 0.1 ohm.
3.2.12 Dielectric strength. On the contact mount assembly, Dwg 883562,
the insulation resistance between either terminal pin and the rivets of
the shunt fingers shall be not less than 10 megohms. When the contact
mount assembly and shutter are assembled in the housing, without detonators
and without the safety spring, the insulation resistance between either
terminal pin and the shutter shaft, and between either terminal pin and
the housing, shall be not less than 10 megohms.
3.2.13 Durability requirements. Arming Device Mark 6 Mod 0 (Torpedo
Practice) shall be capable of meeting acceptably all the requirements of
this specification after being subjected to the vibration, shock, tem-
perature and storage tests of 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.6.3, and 4.6.4, respectively.
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