| ![]() MIL-A-21001A(Wep)
4.2 Contractors' Inspection. Contractors' inspection shall conform
to 4.1.
4.3 Classification of tests. The inspection and testing of the arming
device shall be classified as follows:
4..3.1 Acceptance tests. These tests, detailed in 4.5, are to be ac-
complished by the manufacturer on each arming device submitted for
acceptance under contract. Inspection and test procedures shall be
submitted for Government approval prior to commencement of production.
Failure in any test shall be cause for rejecting the arming device.
4.3.2 Preproduction and periodic production tests. preproduction and
periodic production tests are those which are accomplished on samples
selected as specified in 4.1.2 and 4.1.4 which are representative of the
production of the arming device titer the award of the contract to
determine that the lot and production meet the requirements of this
specification. These tests are detailed in 4.6. Failure of any sample
unit in any requirement or test shall result in the rejection of the lot
or the cessation of production as determined by the procuring activity.
4.4 Test equipment The following items of test equipment are required
to perform the acceptance tests set forth in this specification:
4.4.1 Two dummy actuators having open circuit characteristics.
4.4.2 A suitable torque indicating instrument capable of measuring
torques in the order of 8 inch pounds with an accuracy of 5 percent.
4.4.3 Two dummy actuators internally shorted to show a resistance of
less than 0.05 ohm between the prongs.
4.4.4 An ohmmeter, with an integral source of 1-1/2 volts direct current
(dc) maximum and a reading accuracy of plus or minus 2 percent, capable of
measuring resistances in the order of 0.05 ohm.
4.4.5 A megohmmeter with an integral source of 500 volts dc and a
midscale reading in the order of 10 megohms.
4.4.6 A spring scale capable of measuring zero to ten pounds.
4.5 Acceptance tests
4.5.1 Test conditions. Unless otherwise specified, the arming device
shall be subjected to acceptance tests under the following conditions:
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