| ![]() MIL-A-21165A
Preservation and Packaging - Preservation and packaging
shall be Level A or C as specified by the procuring activity (see 6.2).
Level A - Unless otherwise specified, five adapters shall
be packaged within a unit container in accordance with MIL-P-116, Method III.
Each adapter shall be individually bagged or wrapped within polyethylene
film conforming to L-P-378, (or the commercial equivalent) minimum
gauge of .001 inch. Five adapters (individually bagged) shall be packaged
within a close fitting, folding or set-up paperboard box conforming to PPP-
B-566 Or PPP-B-676. The containers to be used shall be of a square configura-
tion, to accommodate nesting of the adapters thereby minimizing internal
--evel C - Adapters shall be packaged in a manner that will
prevent physical damage and deterioration during transit from the supply
source to the point of deli-very. The contractor's commercial practice may be
utilized when it conforms to the criteria stated herein.
Packing - Packing shall be Level A, B or C as specified by
the procuring activity 6.2). Insofar as practicable, shipping containers
shall effect a close fit, contain identical quantities and be of uniform
dimensional configuration,
Level A - Adapters, packaged as specified in 5.1.1, shall
be packed for shipment in fiberboard shipping containers conforming to PPP-
B-636, Class-Weather-resistant Grade V3s/V3c or PPP-B-640, Class 2, Grade A.
The gross weight of each packed container shall not exceed 70 pounds for the
PPP-B-636 container or 200 pounds for the PPP-B-640 container. The closure,
sealing and reinforcing (banding) of the containers shall be accomplished
in accordance with the procedure specified in the appendix of the applicable
container specification.
Level B - Adapters, packaged as specified in 5.1.1, shall
be packed for Shipment in fiberboard shipping containers conforming to PPP-
B-636, Class-Domestic, Grade 275 or PPP-B-640, Class 1. The gross weight
of each packed container shall not exceed 90 pounds for the PPP-B-636 con-
tainers nor 200 pounds for the PPP-B-640 containers. The container closure .
and reinforcing <banding) shall be accomplished in accordance with the pro-
cedure specified in the appendix of the applicable container specification.
Level C - Adapters, packaged as specified, shall be packed
for shipment in a manner that will afford protection against damage during
transit from the supply source to the shipping point. The pack shall as a
minimum, comply with the rules and regulations applicable to the mode of
transportation utilized.
Marking - In addition to any special marking specified
by the contract or order,king shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-129.
Unit packages shall also be marked with the contract or order number.
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