| MIL-A-21430B(OS) Unit packaging, Each accessory set shall be individually
packaged in a conforming fiberboard box, PPP-B-636, W5c or W5s compliance
symbol . Sufficient fillers and folded corner pads, fabricated from the
same box material, shall be utilized within the carton to provide a tight
pack and to prevent direct contact between protrusions of the accessory
case and the walls of the fiberboard box. Intermediate package.
(Not applicable) Cushioning. The cable assemblies, test adapters and connection
box, packaged as specified under, shall incorporate sufficient
cushioning material, bracing or other adequate shock absorbing devices,
when positioned in their respective compartment within the accessory set
case, to insure a tight pack. At the time of packaging or packing, the
moisture content of the cushioning material shall be no more than 5 percent.
The pH range of the material shall be between 6.0 and 8.0. Cushioning materials shall meet the requirements of PPP-C-843,
Type II, Class A and PPP-F-320, Type, Class, Variety, Grade and Flute design
5.1.2 Level B and C.
(Not applicable)
5.2 Packing.
5.2.1 Level A. Exterior containers, Each accessory set, packaged as described
in shall be packed in an overseas-type, wood-cleated plywood box
or in a Class 2, Style 2, 2 1/2, 3 or 4 nailed wood box conforming to the
requirements of PPP-B-601 or PPP-B-621, respectively. When a nailed wood box is selected to be used for shipment,
box lumber shall conform to Group I, II or III woods of PPP-B-621. The
lumber shall be of one inch nominal thickness and surfaced on both sides.
5.2.1,1.2 A Class H, L-2 or M case liner, fabricated from flexible water-
proofed barrier material conforming to the requirements of PPP-B-1055, shall
be incorporated within the shipping container.
(Not applicable)
5.2.2 Level B and C.
5.3 Marking.
Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), no special
5.3.1 Special marking.
markings are required.
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