| ![]() MIL-A-23282B(Wep)
position signal to the servoamplifier, and the other section,
a control surface position signal to the recording equipment.
A tachometer is geared to the clutch output shaft, and
applies a position rate signal to the servoamplifier.
3.2 General requirements.
3.2.1 Contractor-furnished data. Data required by this
specification, or by applicable documents referenced in
Section 2, need not be furnished unless specified in the
contract or order (see 6.2.4).
3.2.2 Preproduction samples. Unless otherwise specified
in the contract or order, preproduction samples of the actua-
tor shall be manufactured using the methods, materials, and
procedures proposed for the production. The sample will be
tested as specified in Section 4 herein, and is for the pur-
pose of determining, prior to production, that the contrac-
tor's production methods are capable of yielding items that
comply with the technical requirements of the contract.
3.2.3 Materials. Unless otherwise specified in the con-
tract, requisition, or order, all materials and purchased
parts entering into the final assembly of the actuator shall
conform strictly to the detailed requirements of this
specification and applicable drawings. Corrosion resistance. Material shall be of a
corrosion resisting type or shall be suitably processed to
resist corrosion. Standard parts and commercial items. The great-
est practical use shall be made of standard parts that are
commensurate with design requirements, Such parts shall be
selected from Military Standards and Military Specifications,
in that order of preference. Hookup wire. All hookup wire used in the actua-
tor shall conform to Specification MIL-W-16878, unless
otherwise specified. Ferrous metal parts . Electrical sheet steel
assemblies shall be processed by accepted commercial methods
to provide protection against corrosion. Where other non-
corrosive-resistant ferrous metals must be used, the exposed
surfaces shall be zinc plated in accordance with Specification
QQ-Z-325, Type II, Class 3 (0.0002 minimum thickness).
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