| ![]() MIL-A-23282B(Wep)
3.2.8 Gages. The contractor shall provide himself with
whatever gages are necessary to ensure that the material to
which this specification applies will meet the dimension re-
If so stipulated
quirements shown on the applicable drawing.
in the contract, order, or requisition, the Government will
furnish drawings of pertinent Navy Final Inspection Gages
for guidance in the design of the contractor's inspection
gages. However, such procedure shall not serve to relieve
the contractor of his responsibility in the design and manu-
facture of such gages as may be required in the satisfactory
fulfillment of the contract requirements, but is intended to
facilitate acceptance of all components and assemblies by
Navy Final Inspection Gages.
3.2.9 Threads. Unless otherwise indicated, all threads
shall be in accordance with National Bureau of Standards
Handbook H28. The class or fit for threads shall be as
specified on the applicable drawings.
3.2.10 Conflicting requirements . Conflicting require-
ments arising between this specification and any specifica-
tions, publications, or drawings listed herein shall be
referred in writing to the procuring agency or appointed
agent for interpretation, clarification, and resolution
(or correction).
3.3 Performance requirements and product characteristics.
The magnetic particle clutch actuator shall meet the follow-
ing performance requirements and product characteristics.
3.3.1 Insulation resistance. The insulation resistance,
when measured between all pins of P40 (BUWEPS Drawing 694739)
and an uninsulated metallic part of the actuator, shall be
20 megohms minimum at ambient temperature and 1 megohm
minimum at the conclusion of a duty cycle, as specified in
3.3.10, with 500 plus or minus 20 volts direct current (de)
impressed across the insulation.
3.3.2 Magnetic particle clutch coils Clutch circuit resistance. Each magnetic particle
clutch circuit shall have a dc resistance of 5720 ohms plus
or minus 7-1/2 percent, corrected to 25 degrees centigrade
(C) (77 degrees Fahrenheit (F)) when tested as in
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