| ![]() MIL-A-23282B(Wep) The actuator output arm shall drive a torque
load having a spring rate of 28 plus or minus 1 pound-inch
per degree. The balance of current between the magnetic par-
ticle clutch shall vary according to the timing graph of one
element of the duty cycle, as shown in Figure 2. During the
time period labeled "balanced current", the control current
in each magnetic particle clutch is at 5.75 ma plus or minus
0.75 ma, and the two magnetic particle clutch coil currents
are equal within 0.25 ma. Before the start of any duty cycle, the actuator
temperature shall be close to ambient, as evidenced by one
of the following conditions:
(a) The temperature of the hottest spot does not
exceed ambient by more than 5 degrees C (9 degrees
(b) The actuator has been cooling continuously in
ambient air for 50 minutes.
3.4 Environmental requirements
3.4.1 Vibration, transportation. Level A (multiple pack) . The actuator, packaged
and packed in accordance with Section 5, Level A, shall be
subjected to the vibration tests of Thereafter,
the packed condition shall be examined for structural in-
tegrity to assure safe delivery of the actuator. Level C. The actuator, packaged and packed in
accordance with Section 5, Level C, or the contract or the
purchase order, shall be subjected to the vibration test of Thereafter, the actuator shall show no evidence of
damage and shall meet all the performance requirements of
3.4.2 Vibration; ready, nonoperating. The actuator, less
pack and packaging and mounted as specified in 4.4.2, shall
be capable of withstanding vertical vibrations for a-period
of 3 hours at a frequency of 60 cycles per second (cps) and
a double amplitude (peak-to-peak) of 0.016 plus or minus
0.002 inch, and thereafter shall show no damage and shall
meet the performance requirements and product characteristics
of this specification.
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