| ![]() 4.3.2 Inspection procedures.-For Naval
a No. 200 U. S. standard sieve when tested
purchases, general inspection procedures
as specified in 4.4.4.
shall be in accordance with General Specifica-
tions for Inspection of Material.
3.4 Apparent dmdty.-Thc apparent den-
alty shall be 0.35 0.15 when tested as
4.4 Tests,
specified in 4.4,5.
4.4.1 Reagents .--Analytical reagent grade
3.5 Performance.--The material shall burn
chemicals and distilled water shall be used
without flaming and shall emit a continuous
throughout the tests, Blank determinations
cloud of yellow smoke for a period of 70 20
shall be run in parallel with each test, using
acconds when tested as specified in 4.4.6 The
the same quantities of reagents used in the
smoke shall be distinguishable as to color,
test, and correcting shall be applied when
against a contrasting color background, at a
distance of 10,000 feet on a clear day (see
4.4.2 Purity.
3.6 Workmanship.-All work shall be done
in a neat and workmanlike manner. Chemical analysis .-Weigh, to the
nearest milligram (reg.), approximately 2
grams (gm) of the specimen, wash into a
600 milliliter (ml.), beaker, using a small
quantity of water, and break up all lumps
4.1 Lot-A lot shall consist of material
with a glass rod. Add 8 ml. of concentrated
produced by one manufacturer with no
hydrochloric acid and sufficient boiling water
change in process or materials in no more
to dissolve the specimen. Filter the solution
than 24 consecutive hours, providing the
through a Gooch crucible and wash with boil-
operation is continuous, in the event the
ing writer until the filtrate cornea through
process is a batch operation, each batch
colorless, Add sufficient water to bring the
shall constitute a lot (see 6.6).
volume to 300 ml., bring the solution to a
boil, and continue boiling for 6 minutes. Cool
4.2 Sampling-From each of five contain-
slightly and add very slowly, with constant
ers taken at random from each lot, two rep-
stirring, 20 ml. of 35-percent sodium hydrox-
resentative specimens shall be removed as
ide solution. Bring to a boil and boil 20
follows :
minutes, stirring constantly, Cool to below
60. and within a period of 2 hours after
Specimen A: For physical and chemical
cooling, filter through a tared Gooch crucible,
tests-l pound (see 4.4.2 through 4.406),
Dry to constant weight at 100 to 150C., cool
Specimen B: For performance test -2
in a desiccator, and weigh.
pounds (see 4,4.6).
Percent purity =
Each specimen taken shall be placed in a
clean, dry container, sealed and labeled in
Weight of residue x 113.6
such a manner as to identify the specimen
weight of specimen
with the prime container and the lot rep- Spectrophotometric analysis. -
resented (see 6.2 and 6.8).
Weigh 0.173 gm. of the specimen and trans-
fer quantitatively to a 500-ml. beaker. Add
4.3 Inspection.
approximately 50 ml. of ethanol to wet the
specimen. Break all lumps with a stirring
4.3.1 Packing and marking- The inspector
shall inspect the packing and marking of rothe Dilute with approximately 400 ml. of
water (not warmer than 80C stir until
material for compliancewith section 5.
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