| ![]() MIL-A-3664
6.4 Alternate requirements. -- Alternate
of each container in the lot and removing
performance requirements and tests, simulat-
the nonconforming material. The contractor
ing the end use of the material, may be sub-
may then resubmit the remaining portion of
stituted for those specified in 3.6 and 4.4.6.
the lot for acceptance testing.
However, in case of dispute, the requirements
and test specified in 3.5 and 4.4.6 will govern.
5.1 Packing .--The material shall be packed
6.5 Batch. -- A batch is defined as that
in steel drums conforming to Specification
quantity of material which has been subjected
37D of Regulations for Transportation of Ex-
to some unit chemical or physical mixing
plosives and Other Dangerous Articles, etc.
process intended to make the find product
substantially uniform.
Each drum shall be fitted with polyethylene
bag constructed of polyethylene sheet having
6.6 Evaluation samples.-Because of the
a nominal thickness of 0.004 inch. After fill-
special nature of the equipment required in
ing, the bag shall be closed by knotting, tying,
preparing colored smoke grenades, the con-
or heat sealing.
tractor may submit to the procuring agency,
5.2 Marking. -- Each container shall be
samples of the material he proposes to fur-
conspicuously labeled: CAUTION -- AVOID
nish for evaluation as to performance. How-
ever, the results of such tests will be con-
sidered informative only and in no sense will
VENTILATION. In addition to any special
they be constured as acceptance tests.
marking required by the contract or order,
shipping containers shall be marked in ac-
cordance with Standard MIL-STD-129.
6.7 Nomenclature.--The American Chemi-
cal Society nomenclature for this dye is 4,4'-
b i s (dimethylamine) b e n z h y d r y l i d e n i m i n e
hydrochloride. The colour index number (So-
6.1 Ordering data. -- Procurement docu-
ciety of Dyers and Colourists-editor F. M.
ments should specify the title, number, and
Rowe) is 655.
date of this specification.
Notice.-When Government drawings, specifica-
6.2 Inspection .Inspection will not neces-
tions, or other data are used for any purpose other
than in connection with a definitely related Govern-
sarily include all specification, requirements:
ment procurement operation, the United States Gov-
however, the omission of inspection does not
ernment thereby incurs no responsibility nor any
constitute a waiver of these requirements.
obligation whatsoever; and the fact that the Govern.
ment may have formulated, furnished, or in any way
6.3 Sampling and testing.-When the con-
supplied the said drawings, specifications, or other
data is not to be regarded by implication or otherwise
tractor consistently produces high-quality
as in any manner licensing the holder or any other
material and operates under a system of
person or corporat.ion, or conveying my rights or
quality control acceptable to the Government,
permission to manufacture, use or sell any patented
the Government, at its discretion, may modi-
invention that may in any way be related thereto.
fy, in whole or in part, the sampling and
testing procedures specified herein. However,
the Government reserves the right to return
at any time, without previous notice to the
Other interest:
constructor, to the sampling and testing pro-
cedures specified in this specification.
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