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Page Title: Sampling, Inspection, and Test Procedures
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4.4 Tests.
3.3 Workmanship. -- The acetylene black
shall be processed in accordance with high
4.4.1 Moisture. -- Transfer an accurately
grade commercial practices for the manufac-
weighed portion of approximately 2 grams of
ture of this type of material.
the sample to a tared, wide-mouth, short
weighing bottle fitted with a glass stopper.
Heat, with stopper removed, for 2 hours at
105 2 C. Insert stopper, cool in a desicca-
tor and weigh. Repeat the heating at 105
4.1 Lot. - A lot shall consist of 1000 pounds
2 C. until constant weight is attained. Cal-
culate the loss in weight of the sample as
4.2 Sampling. -- Ten percent of the contain-
percent moisture.
ers comprised in a lot, but in no case more
than 10 or less than 3 containers shall be
4.4.2 Sulfur. -- Transfer an accurately
selected by the inspector so as to be repre-
weighed portion of approximately 0.5 gram
sentative of the lot. If there are less than 4
of the sample to the cup of a Parr sulfur
containers in the lot, all the containers shall
bomb. Add approximately 1 gram of potas-
be sampled. The material in each selected
sium perchlorate, and mix thoroughly with a
container shall be mixed to a uniform con-
glass rod. Add approximately 15 grams of
sistency throughout, and approximately 8
sodium peroxide, cover the cup, and mix by
ounces shall be removed from each container.
shaking. Assemble and tighten the bomb, and
Each of these primary samples shall be placed
place it in the holder within a shield. Ignite
in an airtight container and labeled so that
the contents of the bomb either electrically or
the container from which it was taken can be
by directing the flame of an oxy-gas burner
identified. A composite sample of approxi-
against the bottom of the cup. After the ini-
mately 8 ounces shall be made from equal
tial ignition continue the heating until the
portions of the primary samples. The com-
lower half of the cup attains an even cherry-
posite sample shall be thoroughly mixed and
red color. Remove the bomb from the shield,
placed in an airtight container labeled to
allow it to stand at room temperature for ap-
show the name of the material, manufacturer,
proximately 5 minutes, and then cool it in
plans, contract or order number, lot number,
water. Remove the outer fastenings of the
and lot size. All acceptance tests shall be
bomb without disturbing the cap, wash the
made on the composite sample. However, if it
exterior of the cap and the cup with water,
becomes apparent during sampling that the
and discard the washings. Remove the bomb
lot is not uniform, the inspector may require
cap, place the cup on its side in a 250-ml.
that any primary sample be tested for com-
beaker, and wash the material adhering to
pliance with the requirements of this specifi-
the underside of the bomb cap into the beaker
cation. All primary samples shall be held for
with a stream of water from a wash bottle.
possible future examination should the com-
Cover the beaker with a watch glass, and
posite sample fail to meet the requirements.
cautiously add 100 ml. of hot distilled water.
When the material is dissolved remove the
4.3 Inspection
cup, rinsing any adhering fused material into
the beaker. Make the solution neutral to lit-
4.3.1 Army. -- Inspection shall be made in
mus paper with approximately 12N hydro-
accordance with Specification MILG-2550,
chloric acid, allowing sufficient time between
and shall be at the point of delivery unless
additions of the acid for completion of the
otherwise specified.
reaction. Add 1 ml. of acid in excess. Filter
the solution, and wash the filter paper with
4.3.2 Navy. --The general inspection pro-
hot distilled water. Make up the filtrate to
cedures shall be in accordance with General
200 ml. with distilled water. Heat the solu-
Specifications for Inspection of Material.

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