| ![]() MIL-A-46100D (MR)
continue as needed to reduce this gap to 25 fps or less. (This procedure shall insure better
evaluation of the steel when the ballistic limit is near the minimum required.)
A.2.7 Thickness, impact area. The thickness of ballistic test plates used for determining
ballistic limits shall be that of the area subjected to the ballistic testing.
A.3.1 Resistance to penetration. The minimum ballistic limits shall be in accordance with
the values shown in tables VII, VIII, IX, X or XI as applicable.
A.3.2 Resistance to cracking. Ballistic test plates when visually examined after testing shall
not develop any through-crack greater in length than five calibers of the projectile.
A.4.1 Ballistic tests. V50 ballistic tests shall be performed in accordance with USATECOM
TOP 2-2-710, Ballistic Tests of Armor Materials to determine compliance with the
requirements of tables VII through XI.
A.4.1.1 Plate thickness. Plate thickness as measured by the ballistic test agency shall be
used to determine the required ballistic limit for the plate. Individual thickness
measurements are to be read from a micrometer to the nearest 0.001 inch and the average of
these readings reported to the nearest 0.001 inch. At least one measurement shall be taken
along each edge of the plate at a distance of at least one inch from the edge, but preferably
in the area which shall be impacted. The average of the measurements to the nearest 0.001
inch shall be used to determine the minimum ballistic limit requirements in the appropriate
tables (tables VII through XI). The required ballistic limit shall be determined by
interpolation, if necessary, in the tables in the appendix.
A.4.1.2 Rejection and retest of ballistic plates.
A. First article tests (rejection). Unless noted otherwise in the contract or order,
failure of either of the first article test plates to meet the minimum ballistic requirements as
specified in the appendix to this specification indicates failure of the product and process.
A. First article (retests). Resubmission of ballistic retest plates shall not be made
until the manufacturer has made the necessary corrections in the processing of the material
to the satisfaction of the procuring activity. Two retest plates must be submitted for first
article testing and both must pass.
A. Acceptance tests (rejection). Unless otherwise noted in the contract or order,
failure of a test plate to meet the ballistic requirements indicates failure of the lot, however,
the final decision shall depend on the outcome of retests, if submitted.
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