| MIL-A-516J
3.7 Human engineering factors.
3.7.1 Characteristics. The characteristics of the auger shall provide for
operation by personnel ranging from the small operator, clothed, through the
large operator, arctic-clothed, in accordance with SAE J833.
3.7.2 Sound level. Operator sound requirement. The sound level at the operator's
station shall not exceed 85 dBA when equipment is fitted with the
contractors sound suppression kit and measured in accordance with Exterior sound requirement. The auger sound level shall not exceed
88 dBA when the equipment is fitted with the contractor's sound suppression kit
and measured in accordance with
3.8 Pole-setting equipment and wire reel. The auger shall be equipped with a
power winch, wire rope, sheaves, and wire reel.
3.8.1 Winch. The winch shall be complete with wire rope, sheaves, and other
attachments necessary to convert the auger bar into a boom for setting power or
telephone poles of the I-treated, 40-foot class. The winch drum shall have a
capacity of not less than 150 feet of 7/16-inch-diameter wire rope. The line
speed on a bare drum shall be not more than 15 feet per minute (fpm) at low
speed nor less than 50 fpm at high speed. The single-line bare drum pull at
maximum drum speed shall be not less than 3,000-pounds. The winch shall be
provided with a brake that will control, stop, and hold a load of 4,500 pounds
on the bare drum. Brake linings shall be riveted or bolted. The winch shaft
shall be of sufficient length to support the wire reel on the outside of the
skid frame. Power takeoff. The winch shall be hydraulically powered by the
auger engine to permit independent operation of either the auger or winch. Wire rope. Wire rope shall conform to RR-W-410, type I, class 2,
7/16-inch diameter, performed, uncoated, regular lay.
3.8.2 Wire reel. The wire reel shall be of the heavy-duty, collapsible
type and shall rewind all sizes of spool wires. Controls shall be provided to
permit operation of the winch and reel exclusive of other components of the
auger. The diameter of the expanded reel shall be not less than 28 inches.
3.9 Electromagnetic interference. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), the
electromagnetic interference emission characteristics of the auger shall be in
accordance with SAE J551.
3.10 Lubrication. All surfaces requiring lubrication shall be provided with
a means for lubricating as specified herein. Lubrication intervals shall be in
accordance with SAE J752, as recommended by the manufacturers.
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