| ![]() MIL-A-81359(AS)
(3) To cause stores drop in ripple or step salvo (one from each selected
station simultaneously).
When the system is in the ripple mode the described drops will continue at a selected drop
interval described herein until the pilot has released the desired amount of stores (see 3.4.4).
When the system is in the step mode the described drops will occur at a rate determinedly
the pilot. This rate will be one release pulse generated for each pilot depression of the
weapon release button.
Ripple Pairs -When the ripple pairs mode is selected and one or more
pairs of stations of equal inboard to outboard priority are selected the system will ripple
stores simultaneously from each of the two highest priority stations selected (brie port, one
starboard) up to the quantity selected. If the amount selected is greater than the capacity of
the pair, the station transfer signals will cause the system to ripple stores from the next
highest priority pair selected. If there is no next highest priority pair selected, the system
will not generate any further fire pulses.
Ripple Singles - The ripple singles mode shall release one store from the
highest priority station selected during one output pulse: the next output pulse shall release
one store from the opposite wing station of equal inboard to outboard priority if selected.
If the opposite, equal priority station was not selected, the fire pulse shall be continuously
directed to the highest priority station until it is completeIy depleted of stores if required
by the quantity selection. If after depletion, more stores are required to be dropped, the
station transfer signals shall cause drops to occur from the next highest priority station
selected. At this priority level, the drop shall again alternate between the same priority
opposite wing stations if selected. If not, the drops shall continue to be directed to the single
station as previously described in this paragraph.
Ripple Salvo - The ripple salvo mode shall cause the simultaneous re-
lease of one store from each station selected until the quantity of stores selected has been
released. There is no regard to priority in the salvo mode.
Step Pairs - For the step pairs mode, there shall be a simultaneous
release from both highest priority stations (similar inboard to outboard priority) for each
depression of the weapon release button. Priority and station transfer conditions shall
remain the same as those described in
Step Singles - For the step singles mode, there shall be a single release
from the highest priority station selected for the first depression of the weapon release
button. The next depression shall cause a release from the equal priority station on the
opposite wing, if selected. These conditions of priority and station transfer are the same .
as those described in
Step Salvo -The step salvo mode shall cause simultaneous release of one
store from each station selected, provided it contains at least one store, for each depres-
sion of the weapon release button.
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