| ![]() MIL-A-81371(AS)
Electric Power, Aircraft Characteristics
and Utilization of
Reliability Tests
Exponential Distribution
Naval Air Systems Command
MIL-P-81361(AS) Programmer, Aircraft Weapons Release Set
Availability of Documents -
(1) When requested specifications, standards, drawings, and publications
refer to both title and number. Copies of this specification and
applicable specifications required by contractors in connection with
specific procurement functions may be obtained upon application to
. the Commanding Officer, Naval Supply Depot, Code 106, 5801 Tabor
Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19120.
Criteria for Multiple Source - The criteria of this paragraph shall be
used for determining the extent to which the requirement for multiple independent source
availability of micro-circuits is satisfied. For interchangeability at the MIC level, multiple
source availability exists if the devices from the different sources maybe used interchange-
ably, device by device, in the final equipment without any need for mechanical or electrical
changes. For interchangeability at the card level, multiple source availability exists if a
card composed of MICS from one source is mechanically and electrically interchangeable
with another card composed of MICS from another source. Numerous aspects need be con-
sidered to arrive at the independence of sources; these involve production independence,
corporate (or firm) and financial independence, and geographical separation, The produc-
tion independence of one source of another is determined by the extent to which the one
source is independent of the other for manufacture; and by the lack of common original
suppliers of raw or processed materials. Design, process information, technology, and
diffusion masks may be derived from a common source. However, in such a case, each
device source shall have a demonstrated capability of originating these items. The cor-
porate (or firm) and financial independence of one source of another is determined by the
absence of common directors, common officers, or holders of large, common financial
interests. Geographical separation is simply the distance between the locations where
principal manufacture takes place by two sources.
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