| ![]() MIL-A-81373(AS)
Equipment Failure - Should a failure occur during either the sampling,
reliability assurance or special tests, the following action shall be taken:
(1) Determine the cause of failure.
(2) Determine if the failure is an isolated case or design defect,
(3) Submit to the procuring activity for approval, proposed corrective
action intended to reduce the possibility of the same failure(s)
occurring in future tests.
(4) Where practical, include a test in the individual test to cheek all
equipment for this requirement until reasonable assurance is obtained
that the defect has been satisfactorily corrected.
Life Test - The contractor shall furnish all samples and shall be respon-
sible for accomplishing the life test. The test shall be of 300 hours duration and shall be
conducted on equipments that have passed the individual test. The life test shall be per-
formed under the conditions specified in 4, S. 1. The life test sample shall be selected by
the government inspector in accordanee with the following. (Equipments which have success-
fully passed the initial production test, sampling tests, reliability tests, or special tests
may be selected for life tests. ) When reliability tests are conducted, the life test may be
omitted if, during the reliability tests, a quantity of equipments equal to, or more than, that
listed below receive at least 900 hours each of test time.
Quantity to Be Selected
Quantity of Equipments
for Life Test
Offered for Acceptance
First 25
Next 175
Next 300
1 for each additional 500
or fraction thereof
Test Conditions - The life test shall be conducted under the following
simulated service conditions:
Normal room
Normal ground (O -5000 ft)
115 + 5 volts (at lowest
AC voltage
applicable frequency)
DC voltage
27.0 + 2. O volts
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