| MIL-A-81373(AS)
Associated Equipment - The equipment shall operate with the following
associated equipment:
(1) Assembly, Left-Right Station 65A132F5
(2) Assembly, Center Station 65A132F6
(3) Assembly, Station Transfer 65A132F7
(4) Assembly, Priority Logic 65A132F8
Performance Characteristics to Be Measured - The equipment shall
meet the performance characteristics specified in
Methods of Test - The exact test method is dependent upon the equipment
available. Equivalent methods of test are acceptable provided they meet the accuracy and
performance requirements of this specification. It shall also be permissible to combine
tests where operational capabilities of test equipment allow it.
Operation - The switches shall have a maximum contact bounce of 1
millisecond, with the exception of S1, which should have zero bounce. The switches shall
operate as follows:
Quantity Select - Quantity select switches, S2 through S13, are shown
in figure 1. A quantity is selected by placing the switch in the +28 position. AU quantities
not selected shall have their switches left in the ground position.
Module Reset - The reset switch and the reset input pin are identified
in figure 1. To perform the reset function, close and open the switch once.
Disable Output - The disable output on pin 18 shall be measured with
respect to signal ground.
(1) >5.0 vdc = Logical "1".
(2) < .5 vdc = Logical "O".
Fire Pulse - Switch S1 shall be opened and then closed once for each fire
pulse to be applied to the module.
Standard Load - The standard loads, signal sources and power supplies
shall be as specified in figure 1.
Standard Connections - The standard loads, signal sources and power
supplies shall be connected as shown in figure 1.
Test Procedure -
(1) Before actual test procedures are started, a card shall be examined
for shorts of less than 10 ohms between all connected pins.
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