| MIL-A-85116(AS)
quality conformance inspection of 4.2.
3.2.4 Environmental conditions. The actuator shall meet the performance
requirements of 3.2.1 after exposure to the environmental conditions speci-
fied herein. Thermal shock. There shall be no evidence of mechanical or
electrical damage to the actuator during or after exposure to the thermal
shock specified in MIL-STD-202, Test Method 107, Test Condition A. Mechanical shock. There shall be no evidence of mechanical or
electrical damage to the actuator during or after exposure to the mechani-
cal shock of MIL-STD-202, Test Method 213, Test Condition F. High-frequency vibration. There shall be no evidence of mechani-
cal or electrical damage to the actuator after exposure to the high-frequency
vibration of MIL-STD-202, Test Method 204B, Test Condition D. Temperature and humidity cycle (modified). The actuator shall be
capable of meeting the performance requirements of 3.2.1 after being subjec-
ted to the temperature and humidity cycle of MIL-STD-331, Test 105, Test
Procedure 5.1. LOW temperature. There shall be no evidence of mechanical or
electrical damage to the actuator after exposure to the low temperature of
MIL-STD-810, Method 502. High temperature. There shall be no evidence of mechanical or
electrical damage to the actuator after exposure to the high temperature of
MIL-STD-81O, Method 501. Storage life. The actuator shall withstand 5 years of sheltered
storage and then meet the requirements specified in 3.2.1.
3.2.5 Transportability. Transportation requirements shall be in accordance
with the Uniform Freight Classification Rules which permit shipment under the
minimum requirements for a device of this type.
3.3 Design and construction. The design and construction of the actuator
shall conform to the requirements specified herein and on the applicable
drawing. If not specified, the details of design and construction shall be
such that the actuator meets all the requirements specified herein. Accep-
tance or approval of any such details shall not be construed as a guarantee
of acceptance of the finished product.
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