| ![]() MIL-A-85802(AS) Time of release. The actuator shall be energized with a 20 VDC, 20
milliseconds pulse and with a 32 VDC, 20 milliseconds pulse. The time of
release for each actuation shall meet the requirements of 3.3.13. This test
shall be performed five times with each pulse specified above. A total of ten
actuations shall be performed. Leakage. Each actuator shall be leakage tested at 5 pounds per
square inch gage (psig) internal air pressure using clean, dry air or an inert
medium. The end cap shall be suitably modified to permit introduction of the
internal pressure. A suitable measurement system shall be utilized in that
moisture shall not be introduced within the actuator. All flow data shall be
corrected to standard liter per minute. The actuator shall be tested in both
the non-release and released condition. Leakage shall not exceed the
requirements of 3.3.15.Actuators tested by the contractor which fail to meet
the requirements may be disassembled, repaired, and retested prior to
government testing. Current. The actuator shall be electrically energized with 28 VDC
at room temperature. The maximum current drawn shall not exceed the
requirements of Minimum length of impulse. The actuator shall be subjected to a
pulse of 20 VDC, 20 milliseconds duration. The actuator shall operate
regardless of the test environment.
4:6.3 Low temperature. The actuator shall be stabilized at -70 F. The
actuator shall then be subjected to the tests of If it is necessary
to remove the units from the test chamber to conduct the tests, testing shall
be completed within 1 minute after removal.
4.6.4 High temperature. The actuator shall be stabilized at +200 F. The
actuator shall then be subjected to the test of If it is necessary
to remove the units from the test chamber to conduct the tests, testing shall
be completed within 1 minute after removal.
4.6.5 Temperature rise. The actuator shall be subjected to the temperature
rise test of MIL-T-7743 for intermittent duty electromagnetic units. The
actuator shall meet Class A insulation requirements.
4.6.6 Dielectric breakdown. The actuator shall be subjected to the
dielectric breakdown tests of MIL-T-7743.
4.6.7 Insulation resistance. The actuator shall be subjected to the
insulation resistance test of MIL-T-7743.
4.6.8 Acceleration. The actuator shall be subjected to an acceleration of 2!
g's in both directions of three mutually perpendicular axes. The actuator
shall be cocked and mounted on an accelerator by means of a rigid fixture.
After being subjected to the test levels for 1 minute, the actuator shall be
released by energizing it with a 20 VDC, 20 millisecond pulse. Release or
failure of the actuator shall be cause for rejection.
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