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4.6.5 Cleanliness. - The optical surfaces of the body assembly shall
be visually examined with the unaided eye. While viewing through each end
of the module, inspection for defects shall be made by the technique of
shadowing. While viewing through the eyepiece, inspection for dirt shall
be made by viewing a uniformly illuminated field having a brightness of
approximately 300 apparent foot candles. The body assembly shall conform
to the requirements of 3.5.
4.6.6 Sealing. - This portion of the test shall be performed utilizing
a pressure gage capable of reading between 0.25 to 0.50 pound per square
inch gage (psig) and a dew point tester. The following test sequence shall
be adhered to. Check the internal pressure of the body assembly utilizing
the pressure gage specified herein. Then$ test the dew point of the interior
atmosphere of the body assembly by means of the dew point tester. Interior
atmosphere of the body assembly shall conform to the requirements of 3.6.
Upon satisfactory completion of this portion of the test internal pressur-
izing of the body assembly shall be performed with special testing equip-
ment conforming to Pressurize the body assembly with dry nit-
rogen gas, having a dew point at least as low as -25F to 5 pounds per
square inch (psi) in accordance with the procedure for internal testing on
Drawing F8565556. Retain the applied pressure in the body assembly for the
time duration specified in 3.6. Within the first 60 minutes of this time
period, the diopter adjustment shall be rotated to the clockwise and counter-
clockwise stops, and with the locking screw on Housing backed off from its
locked position, the Eccentric shall be rotated a minimum to two full
revolutions in each direction. At the end of this time period, any evidence
of leakage as indicated on the pressure gage of the testing equipment shall
not exceed the tolerance specified in 3.6. Upon satisfactory completion of
the sealing test, the body assembly shall then be flushed with the dry
nitzogen gas specified above. The interior atmosphere of the body assembly
shall be periodically sampled through the dew point tester until the
atmosphere shows a dew point at least as low as -25F. When this atmos
phere is attained within-the body assembly, the body assembly shall then
be sealed at the pressure specified in 3.6. Upon completion, readjust
the eccentric to the position established in and torque the lock-
ing screw as specified in 3.17.2.
4.6.7 Performance. - To determine compliance with 3.7, the following
tests shall be performed with the complete body assembly positioned on
the special test equipment specified in Set-up of the test
equipment and installation of the body assembly under test shall be per-
formed in accordance with the set-up and calibration instructions contained
on Drawing F11746735. Unless otherwise specified during these tests,
collimator "A" shall project a target image adjusted for 1200 meters,
collimator "B" shall project an infinity target; Eccentric 10516549 (for
adjusting parallax) shall be-adjusted for minimum parallax between the
target image and projected infinity image. Collimation change due to vibration/shock.- While observing
the body assembly eyepiece, the target image shall be coincident with
the image of the infinity target within the tolerance specified in 3.11.1.

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