| ![]() MIL-B-48447A(MU)
of receiving the dioptometer (as well as the body assembly to be tested)
shall be a part of the test equipment. Construction of the resolving
power chart shall be as specified in the "Resolution Test" of MIL-O-13830
and shall contain four line sets as shown in Figure I therein. Place the
body assembly on the supporting medium and position the dioptometer at the
eyepiece. While viewing through the dioptometer, obtain best focus of the
numeral in the center of the resolving power chart by adjusting the body
assembly diopter knob, then obtain best focus of each of the four meridans
by adjustment of the dioptometer objective scale. Any change in the diopter
readings by adjustment of the dioptometer objective scale to obtain the
detectable line structure and proper line count in all four meridians shall
be recorded, as measured on the dioptometer objective scale. All four
meridans shall have the detectable line structure and proper line count
to conform with 3.16. Operability. Diopter movement. - Standard torque measuring equipment
capable of measuring the torque values specified in 3.17.1 shall be uti-
lized for this test. An appropriate adapter, to accommodate the diopter
knob shall be used with the torque measuring equipment. Torque shall be
measured while rotating the diopter movement through the range specified
in 3.17.1. The running torque required to rotate the diopter knob shall
conform to the applicable requirements of 3.17.1 for the temperatures
indicated. Focusing lock. - This test shall be performed in sequence
to the test in A dial indicator, graduated in increments of
.0001 of an inch, mounted on an appropriate stand, the supporting medium
specified and a torque wrench capable of applying the specified torque
values in 3.17.2, together with a standard type driver bit that properly
fits the screw slot of the locking screw and eccentric, shall be utilized
for performing this test. Secure the body assembly firmly on the support-
ing medium. With the specified torque applied to the locking screw, pos-
ition the dial indicator so that its contact point touches the face of the
movable objective tube of the daylight body and set the dial to read zero.
Apply, in a clockwise direction, the specified torque to the eccentric
and again observe the dial indicator reading. to conform to the require-
ments of 3.17.2, there shall be no change in the established dial indica-
to zero reading when observed after each torque application. Objective focusing mechanism. - Perform this test utilizing
the test equipment specified, except the dial indicator is not required.
The locking screw shall be backed off a minimum of two full revolutions
from its locked position. Torque shall be measured while rotating the
eccentric through the range specified in 3.17.3. The running torque
required to rotate the eccentric shall conform to the applicable require-
ments of 3.17.3 for the temperatures indicated. Upon completion of this
test, return the eccentric to the position in 3.8 and torque the locking
screw as specified in 3.17.2.
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