| ![]() MIL-B-52734C (ME)
item other than a suggested source item1 the contractor shall furnish to the
contracting officer evidence that the item conforms to all requirements on the
applicable drawing. The contractor is responsible for performing all
inspections and tests on specification or source control items if not
performed by the vendor. No change shall be made to any source or
specification control item after approval of the first article without prior
approval by the contracting officer.
3.22 Type I. interior bay.
The type I bays shall conform to top assembly
drawing, TAl3218E4002.
3.23 Type II. ramp bay.
The type II bays shall conform to top assembly
drawing, TAl32l8E4005.
3.24.1 Castings. All casting used on the bridge bays shall be cleaned of
harmful extraneous material, such as sand, dirt, sprues, scale, and flux.
Rework shall be limited to procedures which do not reduce strength or affect
3.24.2 Steel fabrication. Metal used in fabrication shall be free from
kinks and sharp bends. The straightening of material shall be done by methods
that will not cause injury to the material. Corners shall be square and true.
Flame cutting, using tips suitable for the thickness of the steel, may be
employed instead of shearing or sawing. All bends shall be made with
controlled means to ensure uniformity of size and shape. Precautions shall be
taken to avoid overheating. Heated steel shall be allowed to cool slowly.
External surfaces shall be free from burrs, sharp edges, and corners, except
when sharp edges or corners are required or where they are not detrimental to
3.24.3 Aluminum fabrication. Before any work or layout is done, aluminum
shall be straightened. Straightening shall be done by methods that will not
result in injury to the metal. Care shall be used in handling aluminum during
fabrication to avoid scratching or damage to edges. Finished members shall be
free from lamination, kinks, bends, scratches or winds. All bends shall be
made to a radius which will not cause cracking or undue stress in the extreme
outer fibers. Except for those of a minor nature, bends shall be made with
metal dies or fixtures to insure uniformity of size and shape. Sharp
instruments shall not be used for making bend lines. Aluminum 3/8 inch thick
and over shall be cut by routing or sawing. Aluminum under 3/8 inch thick may
be cut by shearing.
3.24.4 Welding. Unless otherwise specified on the end product drawings,
welding shall be done in accordance with the requirements of this
specification. Prior to the fabrication of any weldment, the contractor shall
prepare and submit to the contracting officer for approval, an isometric or
perspective drawing showing the location of each joint and the joint welding
procedures to cover all welding, including a general outline for the repair of
base material and welded joints. These procedures shall also address the
proposed method of surface preparation prior to welding. The procedures shall
be qualified in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
Section IX, except that the guided bend test is not required for steel
castings. All welds to be qualified shall be made on the same alloy, gauge
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