| ![]() MIL-B-52734C (ME)
describe the corrective action to be taken in the event that the specimen test
demonstrates weld quality that is not acceptable, including disposition of
component welding accomplished by the welder since the last acceptable
weldbreak test.
3.24.5 Care of welding electrodes. Care of welding electrodes specified
for welding high-strength steel shall be as follows:
When a container of welding electrodes is opened, the entire contents
shall be placed immediately in a baking oven, with electrodes placed
not more than three layers deep on a tray, and baked either (1) for a
minimum of 1 hour, but not more than 1-1/4 hours, at 800 F; or (2)
for a minimum of 4 hours at 400 F.
The baked electrodes, whilestill warm, shall then be placed in a
ventilated holding oven set at 250 F to 300 F.
Not more than a 1/2-hour supply of welding electrodes shall be taken
from the holding oven at one time.
If electrodes are out of the holding oven in excess of 1/2 hour but
less than 1 hour, they shall be returned to the holding oven for a
period of not less than 1 hour.
If electrodes are out of the holding oven in excess of 1 hour, they
shall be returned to the baking oven and rebaked as described under
Electrodes removed for use shall not be allowed to come in contact
with any moist or wet surfaces, Electrodes that have been in contact
with water, grease or oil shall not be used.
3.24.6 Welders. Before assigning any welder or welding operator to
fabricate bridge bays covered by this specification, the contractor shall
provide the contracting officer with certification that the welder or welding
operator has passed qualification tests as prescribed by the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX, for the type of welding operations to be
performed and that such qualification is effective as defined by the code.
Test specimens shall be made on the same alloy, gauge and temper of material
with the same filler materials and in the same position as will be used in
production. Welders who have been similarly qualified under other recognized
codes may be considered qualified for the purposes of this specification,
provided they are approved by the contracting officer. In the event of
evidence of poor welds, the Government reserves the right to require retesting
of any welder or welding operator. The test results shall be made available
for review by the contracting officer or the contracting officer's
3.24.7 Machine work. Tolerances and gauges for metal fits shall conform to
the limits specified on the applicable end product drawings.
3.24.8 Jigs and fixtures. Fabrication, assembly and installation of all
bridge bay components (except minor parts) shall be accomplished with
production tooling, jigs or fixtures, and parts shall be joined while held in
position. Jigs or fixtures shall be designed to minimize distortion of the
parts being welded and to assure that the configuration, alignment and
location of parts meet the specified requirements. Subsequent straightening
and thermal stress relieving is permitted to relieve distortion, provided the
straightening process does not damage the component.
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