| ![]() MIL-B-52734C (ME)
9250 psi. Hold the maximum load for a period of 5 minutes.
Nonconformance to
3.15 shall constitute failure of this test. Ponton leak. Internally pressurize with air each individual
ponton of the bridge bay to 1.5 psi, plus or minus 0.1 psi, and maintain
pressure while soap testing for leaks. If leakage occurs, remove the pressure
from the ponton, repair leak area in accordance with the instructions on
applicable ponton drawings, and repeat the leak test for each repaired ponton.
Evidence of any leakage that cannot be repaired shall constitute failure of
this test. After all identified leaks have been repaired, the ponton is to be
pressurized to 1.5 psi, plus or minus 0.1 psi, and the air source is to be
disconnected and the pressure held for five minutes. Nonconformance to 3.14
shall constitute failure of this test. Operational performance. When ramp bays and interior bays are
procured together tests shall be performed on both types of bay. With the
bridge bay in folded position, adjust unfolding cables to tension specified on
the assembly drawings. Using the ribbon bridge transporter (see 3.13), free-
launch the bridge bay in a body of water of sufficient size and depth (a
minimum of 4 feet) to accommodate a free-launch without damage to the bridge
bay. With the bridge bay unfolded and floating, engage the roadway-to-roadway
deck connectors and the bridge latches. For the ramp bay, the roadway pontons
will have to be pulled together for these connectors to engage their mating
receptacles. The bridge bay shall remain floating for a minimum time period
of 30 minutes, after which the pontons shall be inspected for leakage. While
the bridge bay is floating, operate the pin-drive mechanism to ensure free
movement for the entire pin travel in both directions. The operational
performance test shall include connecting both ends of the interior bay to the
ramp bay. When interior bays are procured separately, two first article bays
shall be provided for the connecting test. When ramp bays are procured
separately, the Government shall furnish an interior bay for the connecting
test (see 3.13). Prior to retrieval, each ramp bay yoke will be articulated
to a minimum of 18 degrees from the vertical and will then be pumped back to
the vertical position. Prepare the bridge bay for retrieval and retrieve the
bridge bay onto the transporter. Failure of this test shall consist of any of
the following defects:
Failure of roadway-to-bow foldlock latches to retain bows in folded
position while on transporter.
Failure of roadway-to-roadway foldlock latches to retain the roadway
pontons in folded position while on transporter.
Failure of launched bridge bay to unfold due to action of unfolding
mechanism without any other aids.
Failure of the roadway-to-bow bridge latches to engage their mating
bow receptacles when operated manually.
Evidence of ponton leakage.
Failure of connectors or pin-drive mechanism to function as intended.
Failure of bridge bay to fold during retrieval without any assistance
other than the winch cable, or binding during folding.
Failure of all foldlock latches to engage completely and automatically
when the bridge bay is retrieved.
Failure of the ramp yokes to be pumped as intended.
Failure of the bays to connect as intended.
Failure of latches to function shall be remedied by adjustment where possible.
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