| ![]() MIL-B-52734C (ME)
at any time during the test 17 failures occur, reliability is not
acceptable and the test is terminated.
c Test Plan III - Utilized for ramp and interior bays if procured
together. Test for ten test cycles (100 missions for each interior
bay; 50 missions for each pair of ramp bays) as specified in If less than 67 interior bay failures and less than 17
ramp bay failures occur, reliability is acceptable. If at any time
more than 66 interior bay failures occur, reliability of interior
bays is not acceptable; nevertheless, at this point if less than 17
ramp bay failures have occurred, continue testing until either all
missions are complete (in which case, ramp bay reliability is
acceptable) or until 17 ramp failures do occur (in which case ramp
bay reliability is also not acceptable). The same reasoning may be
applied if more than 16 ramp failures have occurred but less than 67
interior bay failures have occurred. If at any time more than 66
interior failures and more than 16 ramp failures occur, terminate all
testing; reliability is not acceptable.
d. Test Plan IV - Utilized when interior bays, ramp bays and transporters
are procured together. Test for ten test cycles as specified in and evaluate reliability. Failure criteria for bridge
bays will be as specified in of this specification.
Failure criteria for transporters will be as specified in MIL-T-52735
or MIL-T-53031, as applicable.
For the purpose of reliability computations, a mission failure is defined as
Any malfunction of an interior bay which:
(1) Causes the bay to fail to deploy from the launcher.
(2) Causes the bay to fail to unfold.
(3) Causes the bay to fail to connect to adjoining bays.
(4) Causes bridge traffic to be halted more than 15 minutes,
(5) Makes recovery of the bay onto the transporter in less than one
hour impossible.
Any malfunction of an interior or ramp bay which would cause inability
to complete a mission, as defined in, in less than 14
hours (utilization of repair resources available to the parent
deployed unit allowable).
Any impending interior or ramp bay malfunction which would require
maintenance that cannot be deferred until the end of the mission
because of the creation of a safety hazard and results in the
situation described in a or b above. Simultaneous related
malfunctions are considered one failure. Malfunctions which do not
affect mission performance are not considered mission failures. Maintainability. The maintenance man-hours required to perform
all corrective and preventive maintenance occurring during the reliability
test (see shall be recorded and classified as to whether it was
scheduled or unscheduled. The MR requirement(s) of 3.17 shall be assessed
using the following formula:
MR = Total scheduled maintenance man-hrs + total unscheduled maintenance man-hrs
Total operating time
Operator/crew checks and services are excluded from this ratio.
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