| ![]() MIL-DTL-60426B (AR)
4.3 Conformance inspection.
4.3.1 Lot formation. Lot formation shall be in accordance with lot formation requirement
of MIL-STD-1916 paragraph "Formation and identification of lots or batches". In addition, each
lot of projectile burster cases shall contain:
a. Cyclotol of one type from one manufacturer.
b. TNT of one grade from one manufacturer.
c. Polyurethane elastomer prepolymer from one manufacturer.
d. Glyceride of 12 hydroxystearic acid from one manufacturer.
e. Tubes and components of one lot interfix number from one manufacturer.
4.3.2 Classification of characteristics. Conformance examinations and tests are specified
in the following Classification of Characteristics paragraphs. When cited herein, attributes
sampling inspection shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-STD-1916, using the inspection
levels cited in the Classification of Characteristic paragraphs. Definitions of Critical, Major and
Minor shall be as defined in MIL-STD-1916. Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with
MIL-STD-1916. Unless automatic AIE is used for final inspection, Critical characteristics shall
be inspected 100% followed by a sampling inspection in accordance with Verification Level VII
of MIL-STD-1916.
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