| MIL-B-63299A(AR)
g. Observe and record the number and length of triplines
deployed per mine (length applies to ambient temperature
h. Observation shall be made for compliance with the
requirements of 3.4 and Dwg. 9292960.
i. Subsequent to the test and observing necessary safety
precautions, the tested assemblies shall be dismantled and
failure analyzed. For duds, allow a min of 24 hours after
extended SD runout (see 4.5. 6.3.a). Failure analysis shall
include cause of tripline nondeployment.
(Destructive Test) Tripline (TL) Mode functioning. Following launch (see
4.5.6), the test samples selected for TL function shall be secured
so as to preclude functioning by AD Mode. First article samples
slated for TL function at ambient temperature shall, after TL
deployment, have their sensor cavities filled with salt water (3.5
percent by weight of sea salt in distilled water). After enable
time has occured, all test samples shall be functioned as follows:
a. Attempts shall be made to function the item by applying
a gradual increasing pull force, in turn, to each tripline
available until detonation occurs.
b. Observe and record the number and length of triplines
deployed per mine; the number and types of failures prior to
the successful attempt and the pull force when detonation
(Length applies to ambient temperature only).
c. If detonation does not occur in (a), attempt shall be
made to function Body Assy in AD mode per
d. If unsuccessful in (a), and (b), the assy shall be
monitored until expiration of extended SD.
e. Observation shall be made for compliance with the
requirement of 3.4 and Dwg 9292960.
f. Subsequent to the test and observing necessary safety
precautions, the Tested Assemblies shall be dismantled and
failure analyzed. For duds, allow a min of 24 hrs after
extended SD runout (see 4.5. 6.3.a). Failure analysis shall
(Destructive Test)
include cause of tripline nondeployment.
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