| MIL-B-81793/28
Part number. The part number consists of the following:
prefix letter M; general specification number; number of this
specification sheet; dash number; and characters for retainer,
closures, radial internal clearance or contact angle, calibration,
performance test, lubricant, and lubricant amount.
M81793/28-BA7N4N2A1 indicates
Bore 0.0469"; outside diameter
0.1562" ; width 0.0625"; radius
0 l 003" ; retainer, phenolic laminate;
closures, none; contact angle,
greater than 14 but less than 20 ;
no calibration; performance test,
starting torque - Grade A;
lubricant, MIL-L-6085; lubricant
amount, manufacturer's standard,
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