| ![]() MIL-B-8565/15
1300 amperes
800 amperes
a. Minimum Current at Peak Value
(Time = 0+)
b. Minimum Current after 15 seconds
1000 amperes
450 amperes
c. Minimum Capacity delivered after
13.67 ampere-hours
5.93 ampere-hours
60 seconds
Inability to deliver the specified minimum discharge current and capacity shall constitute a test failure."
3.6.10 Life. Delete and substitute the following: "Batteries delivered under this specification shall be
capable of at least 4 years of service life, demonstrated by successfully completing the cycling test of" Life cycling (type 1 battery). Delete "eighty-five (85)" and substitute "one hundred thirty-five
(135)". Constant-potential charging. Delete and substitute the following: "Unless otherwise specified, the
battery shall be charged at a constant potential of 28.5 0.1 volts for 4.0 0.1 hours with a power source
having a current limit of 25 1 amperes."
4.6.9 Constant current conditioning charge. Delete "18.0V" and substitute "20.0V".
4.6.10 Capacity discharge. Delete "18.0 volts" and substitute "20.0 volts". Cycling test (type 1 battery). Delete "85 cycles" and substitute "135 cycles". Delete "2-hour
charge" and substitute "4-hour charge".
4.6.14 Capacity discharge at 49C (120F). Delete "18.0 volts" and substitute "20.0 volts".
4.6.15 Charge and discharge test at low temperature. Delete "18.0V" and substitute "20.0 volts".
4.6.18 Mechanical shock. Delete and substitute the following:
" Functional shock. The battery shall be subjected to the functional shock test, procedure I,
method 516.4 of MIL-STD-810. The test shall consist of 15 impacts, three in each direction of each
orthogonal axis, except that which would place the battery in an inverted position. The shock pulse shall
be in accordance with figure 516.4-4 using amplitude (a) and time duration (c). The battery shall be
discharged at the C/2 rate during the test and, after each shock, shall be checked for any failure. No
resilient mounting shall be provided for this test. At the conclusion of the test, the battery shall meet the
specified requirements of 3.6.11 and 3.6.12.
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