| ![]() MIL-C-10113C(EA)
Ozone resistance Test of Natural Rubber Material.
No. 618 -
(Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications
required by the suppliers in connection with specific procurement
functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as direct-
ed by the contracting officer. )
3.1 Materials.
3.1.1 Rubber compound. The robber compoud shall be non-blooming,
except for slight wax-type bloom, and shalle contain no shall than 65 per-
Th compound
be free from
cent. by volume, of new natural rubber.
lead or mineral sulfates.
3.1.2 Antioxidant and accelerators. The rubber compound shall
contain only approved antioxidant and accelerators.
The rubber compound shall contain a
3.1.3 Sun-checking retardant.
sun-checking retardant.
The rubber compound shall con-
3.1.4 Copper and manganese inhibitor.
tain a copper and manganese inhibitor.
compoud shall be colored by
3.1.5 Coloring materials. The rubber
carbon black, as required.
3.2 Manufacture. The cover shall be manufactured in one piece by
the conventional process of molding under heat and pressure, in accord-
ance with Drawing C5-2-598, in molds approved by Edgewood Arsenal.
Covers with small flaws may be repaired and
3.2.1 Repair of flaws.
accepted, provided there is no change in the formulation or surface
by 0.075 + 0.01 inches,
3.2.2 Test slabs. Test slabs, 6 by 6 inches,,
the formulation used for the
shall be made from stock representative of
sublot during regular production of
preproduction sample and from each
to that of the regular
covers. The slabs shall have a cure equivalent
production covers (see 6.2).
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