| ![]() MIL-C-10113C(EA)
5.2 Repair Parts. When this item is being procured for storage and
issue as a repair part, preservation, packaging, packing, and marking
shall be as specified on the packaging data sheet which is identified
by its National Stock Number.
6.1 Intended_ use. This specification describes a protective cover
intended to be used on the C15 outlet valve,
Procurement documents should specify the following:
6.2 Ordering data.
(a) Title, number, and date of this specification.
(b) Preproduction:
(1) Time allowed for supplier submission of samples for
Government test and evaluation after award of contract.
(2) Name and address of test facility and shipping instruc-
tions when testing is performed by the Government.
(3) Time required for the Government to notify the supplier
whether of not to proceed with production.
6.3 Equivalent cure. Slabs and covers of the same stock and gage
are considered to `have equivalent cures or the same state of vulcaniza-
tion when:
Their free--sulfur contents do not vary more than 10
Their average tensile-stress values at any given elongation
ultimate elongation) do not vary more than + 2.5 percent.
(other than
Their curing times can be equated in the following equation:
minutes of cure
minutes of cure
For convenience, the nomograph in figure 1 may be used instead of the
mathematical computation time-temperature relationships in determining
equivalent cure.
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