| ![]() MIL-C-13874K
3.6 Safety. All rotating or reciprocating parts and other parts subject to
high operational temperatures that are of such a nature or are so located as to be
a hazard to operating personnel, shall be guarded or insulated to the extent
necessary to eliminate the hazard. Protective devices shall not impair the
operating functions.
3.7 Maintainability.
The compressor shall operate as specified herein without
repair or maintenance other than the contractor's recommended normal scheduled
adjustments and servicing, as established by a maintenance schedule prepared and
submitted by the contractor prior to test. All major assemblies and installed
attachments shall be accessible for maintenance repair and replacement without
removal of other major assemblies and installed attachments not normally removed.
C o v e r plates which must be removed for component adjustment shall be equipped with
quick-disconnect fastenings. All fasteners shall be of corrosion-resistant
material or shall be treated to be corrosion resistant. All screw threads shall
b e in accordance with FED-STD-H28. M a x i m u m use shall be made of interchangeable
hardware and fastening devices. Use of self-tapping screws shall not be
Means for drainage of lubricants, and condensate traps shall be in an
accessible location and shall drain to a container without splashing on any
c o m p o n e n t or on operating personnel. T h e d r a i n o u t l e t s s h a l l b e s o l o c a t e d t o
facilitate complete drainage. All drain outlets shall be labeled to indicate the
r e s e r v o i r being drained (i.e. , "AIR TANK DRAIN" "OIL DRAIN" etc.) in accordance
w i t h 3 . 2 4 . E a c h maintenance, a s s e m b l y o r d i s a s s e m b l y o p e r a t i o n p e r f o r m e d a s a
r e s u l t of testing shall be accomplished by not more than two soldiers using common
tools and special tools furnished with the compressor.
3 . 8 A i r h o s e T h e airhose shall be the commercial heavy duty type 5/16 inch ID,
m i n i m u m working pressure shall be not less than 200 pounds per square inch (psi)
and unless otherwise specified (see 6.2) shall be not less than 50 feet long. Air
hose couplings shall be internal swivel fitted, having a l/4-inch, standard,
straight-pipe thread and a 30-degree tapered seat and shall be fitted at one end
with an inflator gage conforming to GG-G-91, type III, style 3.
3 9 I n t a k e a i r f i l t e r a n d s i l e n c e r . T h e compressor shall be provided with a
dry-type combination intake air filter and silencer.
3.10 Lubrication
All surfaces requiring lubrication shall be provided with a
means for lubricating. A lubrication chart shall be provided in a clearly visible
location. The chart shall indicate the lubrication points, the type of lubricant,
the frequency of lubrication, and for oil reservoirs, the quantity of lubricant in
accordance with 3.24.
3 . 1 0 . 1 L u b r i c a n t s The compressor shall operate as specified herein when
lubricated with military lubricants (see 6.4).
3.10.2 Lubrication fittings.
Lubrication fittings shall conform to MIL-F-3541,
type I, II, or III, Fittings shall be located in protected positions. F i t t i n g s
shall be accessible to a grease gun conforming to KIL-G-3859, type II.
Accessibility to fittings shall be provided without the removal or adjustment of
accessories or parts. Panels and plates equipped with hand-operable, quick-
disconnect fasteners may be removed to provide accessibility to lubrication
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