| ![]() INCH-POUND
26 July 2000
29 August 1997
MIL-C-14858A was inactivated on 29 August 1997 for new design.
This amendment forms part of MIL-C-14858A (AR), dated 30 April 1985, and is approved for
use by the US Army Armament, Research, Development, and Engineering Center, and is
available for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.
3.3, Delete in it entirety and substitute the following:
"3.3 Residual stress. The cartridge shall not split when subjected to a 1 percent
mercurous nitrate solution for 15 minutes when tested as specified in 4.4.2."
3.6, Delete in its entirety and substitute the following:
"3.6 Velocity. The velocity test shall be performed by using either a velocity test barrel,
or the Electronic Pressure, Velocity and Action Time (EPVAT) method after first having
conditioned the ammunition and the test apparatus for two hours at ambient (70F 2F). The
test method employed shall be recorded on the test results record.
3.6.1 Velocity measurement by velocity test barrel. The average velocity of the pre-
conditioned sample cartridges fired at ambient temperature shall be 2910 ft/sec 20 ft/sec at 78
feet from the muzzle of the test barrel. The average of the standard deviations (SD) of the
velocities for fifteen 20-round series shall not exceed 20 ft/sec. Testing shall be performed in
accordance with 4.4.5.
3.6.2 Velocity measurement by EPVAT method. The average velocity of the pre-
conditioned sample cartridges fired at ambient temperature shall be 2905 ft/sec 20 ft/sec at 78
feet from the muzzle of the weapon. The average of the standard deviations (SD) of the
velocities for fifteen 20-round series shall not exceed 20 ft/sec. Testing shall be performed in
accordance with 4.4.5"
3.7, Delete in its entirety and substitute the following:
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FSC: 1305
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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