| MIL-C-14858A (AR)
A.7.10 After the test barrel has cooled to ambient temperature, warming (fouling) shots
shall be fired in accordance with 7.1.
A.7.11 The test cartridges shall then be fired following the procedure prescribed in 7.2
through 7.7. After the number of required test rounds have been fired on the transducers, the
following steps shall be taken:
a. Remove the signal lines from the transducers. The signal connector on the transducer
and interconnecting line shall be wiped clean with lint-free industrial wipes.
b. Remove the transducers and inspect all components for excessive combustion particle
residue; be careful to distinguish between normal combustion residue and metallic particles
removed from the bullet jacket. Also inspect the transducer threads for combustion residue.
c. Clean the transducers and the cavities thoroughly using paper wipes and degreaser
spray. Once cleaned, inspect the sealing surfaces of both the transducer and the chamber cavity
for signs of gas flow past the annular vee ring.
Upon completion of the above steps, the following procedures shall be followed:
1) If the transducers and cavities appear normal, the test results are considered valid.
Transducers may be reinstalled and another cartridge lot fired using the same reference values.
2) If the transducers threads show signs of combustion residue, both the barrel and
transducer with sealing components shall be removed from the test. The sealing surface of the
barrel shall be machine refinished with a flat-end chucking reamer to a surface finish of 32
microinch or better before attempting to reuse the barrel, or a new barrel may be substituted. A
replacement transducer shall be assembled into the test barrel and the test restart shall begin.
The last test lot(s) fired back to the last transducer inspection with acceptable results or the last
reference lot shall be retested to assure that the condition did not influence the test lot(s).
3) If the cavity seat in the test barrel shows signs of gas-flow through the sealing
surfaces, the barrel shall be removed for refinishing of the cavity seat. Similar signs of gas-flow
through the sealing surface of a transducer and/or component shall cause that unit to be removed
from testing. The test restart shall begin with the replacement of the defective unit(s), and the
procedure for refinishing the barrel sealing surface prescribed in paragraph (2) above.
A.8.1 The test data shall be reported to the following precisions:
Chamber Pressure
nearest 10 psi
nearest 1 fps
Action Time
nearest 0.1 millisecond
9 (25)
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