| ![]() MIL-C-16645A(SHIPS)
Handbook H28 - Screw Thread Standards for Federal Services.
(Application for copies should be addressed to the Superintendent of Documents,
Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C.)
Motor Freight Classification Rules,
(Application for copies should be addressed to the American Trucking Association.
1424 16th St. N.W. , Washington 6, D. C.)
Second Edition
(Application for copies should be addressed to the McGraw and Hill Publishing Company,
New York City, New York.)
3.1 Qualification.- The compressors furnished under this specification shall be a product which
has been tested and has passed the qualification tests specified herein (see 6.2).
3.2 Description.-
3. 2.1 Class T compressors shall be reciprocating, vertical, single acting, multi-stage machines
having capacities of 10 c. f. m. or 50 cf. m. of free air per minute actually delivered at
600 pounds per square inch gage (p.s.i.g.) discharge pressure. Each compressor shall be capable of
continuous operation at any discharge pressure from 150 to 600 p. s. i. g.
3.2.2 A complete compressor unit shall consist of the compressor and motor mounted on a
common bedplate, and shall include all necessary appurtenances and electrical control equipment.
The drive shall be of the multi- "V"-belt type. Suitable means shall be provided for
tightening and adjusting the belts.
General design. -
1 The principle of reliability is paramount and no comprom se of this principle shall be made
with any other basic requirements of desgn. It is the intention of this specification to obtain air com -
pressors of such design that they will operate over a long period of years with a minimum of servicing.
Where wear or corrosion is unavoidable the parts subjected to such wear or corrosion shall be of the
best materials available for the purpose in order to reduce these detrimental effects to a minimum.
The design and construction of all air compressors shall be the most compact consistent with the
following requirements:
(a) Reliability.
(b) Accessibility for repair.
(c) Resistance to wear or corrosion.
(d) Economy.
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