| ![]() MIL-C-16645A(SHIPS)
3.7.4 Subassemblies furnished as repair parts in lieu of or in addition to individual repair parts
shall be recorded on the related outline drawings by reference notes or as additional items on the "List
of Material" of the sectional assembly drawing.
3.7.5 Drawings for drivers and associated equipment shall be in accordance with the specifications
for those equipments.
3.7.6 The sectional assembly drawings shall show all assembl y clearances, and snail reference
the qualification test, high-impact shock test, and inclination test reports, and the bureau or agency
letters approving those reports.
3.1. 7 Drawings submitted with bids are not required to be in master drawing format.
3.8 Technical manuals.- Technical manuals shall be in accordance with type C of Specifica-
tion MIL-T- 15071 , unless otherwise specified in the contract or order, A separate technical manual
shall be furnished for each different compressor unit except in special cases when books covering more
than one compressor may be approved. Preliminary technical manuals submitted for approval snail
include all proposed sections complete.
3.8.1 Illustrations.- Two photographs, taken 180 degrees apart on a horizontal plane shall be
included. Reduced size reproductions of approved outline, assembly and sectional plans of the complete
unit, and reduced size reproductions of approved electrical plans and certification data shall also be
included. Approved plan excerpts and exploded views of parts or assemblies requiring detailed instruc -
tion, such as valve assemblies, unloading mechanisms, snail be included.
3.8.2 Distribution.- Two copies of technical manuals shall be packed with each compressor unit.
Additional copies of technical manuals shall be furnished as specified (see 6. 1). If final technical
manuals are not available at the time compressors are shipped then two copies of preliminary technical
manuals shall be packed with each compressor unit; and the final manuals shall be delivered at a later
time as required b: Specification MIL-T-15071.
4.1 Qualification tests at a Government la boratory. - Qualification tests shall be conducted at a
Government labo ratory designated by the Bureau of S hips. These tests shall consist of the tests speci-
4. 1.1 Consideration will be given to granting qualification as a result of service tests. To be
granted qualifications as the result of service tests the following requirements shall be met:
(a) Two or more compressors of the general design and general operating
characteristics shall have given satisfactory service onboard a Naval
vessel for a period of at least two years and shall still be in service
on such vessel at the time qualification is requested.
(b) When the design of a compressor in service for which a manufacturer
requests qualification does not meet current Naval requirements as
regards pressure and capacity characteristics, the manufacturer
shall be required to furnish satisfactory evidence that he has pro-
duced compressors of design characteristics equal to those currently
required for Naval service. The Bureau of Ships reserves the right
to require additional qualification tests of any design of compressor,
which, in its opinion, has been changed sufficiently to require further
demonstration of Its suitability.
(c) Any manufacturer whose product has been eligible to be placed on the qua-
lified products list as a result of service test shall be required on his
first contract or order after being granted qualification to submit a com-
plete unit to the shock test. The awarding of qualification shall be con-
tingent upon the unit passing the shock test.
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