| ![]() MIL-C-16645A(SHIPS)
Air discharge pressure from each stage of compression,
Final air pressure at discharge from after-cooler.
Air temperatures before and after each stage of compression.
Circulating water inlet and outlet temperatures.
Quantity of cooling water in gallons per minute.
Revolutions per minute of driving unit and of compressor.
Voltage, amperage, and frequency.
Power factor.
Power input to motor.
Complete data as to performance of motor required to determine
suitability of the electrical equipment for the application. This
data shall be recorded primarily to demonstrate that the motor
is of adequate power for the service intended.
Operation of the automatic temperature control.
Operation of the automatic unloading devices.
Operation of the automatic stop-start control. The ability
of the automatic regulator to stop and start the compressor
in accordance with the requirements of this specification
shall be demonstrated for each unit. On these tests the auto-
matic regulator shall be adjusted to function at the maximum,
minimum, and mean pressures included in the range of adjust-
ment specified.
(d) Operation of moisture separators. (Include record of quantity of
oil and water drained from each separator.) Computed and recorded data. - The following data shall be computed from the recorded
data and included on each test data record:
(a) Capacity in cubic feet of free air per minute actually delivered.
(b) Brake horsepower at the compressor shaft (computed from previous
test of motor),
(c) Volumetric efficiency.
(d) Overall efficiency of compressor (that is, compression efficiency X
mechanical efficiency). Theoretical air horsepower upon which
efficiency is based may be calculated from either the adiabatic or
isothermal base, but test data should indicate which is used.
4. 4.2.2 During each test the functioning of the compressor units shall be smooth and free from
excessive heating, noise, and vibration, and the performance in all respects shall meet the requirements
of this specification.. Upon completion of the performance tests, each compressor shall be disassembled
sufficiently to permit inspection of all parts subject to wear or damage by running, these parts shall
include bearings, wrist pins, pistons and piston rings, cylinders, and air valves. To be acceptable no
parts of the compressors shall show any signs of failure or excessive wear. The condition of the com-
pressors at the conclusion of all tests shall be noted on the official test sheets.
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