| ![]() MIL-C-16645A(SHIPS) The compressor shall be considered to have failed the shock test in the event of the
(a) Brea kage of all parts, including mounting, bolts, and similar items.
(b) Detachment of any part or object from the unit.
(c) Compressor' requires attention or adjustment or replace ment of parts to
enable it to perform its principal function during and after each, blow of
the test.
(d) Unit falls to function satisfactorily as specifically defined in this specification Disposition of shock-tested equipment. - Equipment which has successfully pushed the
shock tests will be considered acceptable for such service as designated by the bureau or agency con- -
cerned. The contractor shall thoroughly recondition such units, correcting any min or imperfections or
deformations, and shall place the equipment in satisfactory working order. The motors shall be recon -
ditioned and tested in accordance with the requirements of the motor specifications. After recondition-
ing, the complete equipment shall be tested as required by 4.4.3. Equipment which has been subjected to the high-impact shock test and has failed will
not be accepted, either in whole or in part. However, failure of the compressor only shall not cause
rejection of an otherwise acceptable motor, nor shall failure of a motor only cause rejection of an other-
wise acceptable compressor, If a manufacturer is unable to conduct the shock tests at his own plant, he may arrange to
have them conducted at a commercial or Government laboratory suitably equipped to conduct the tests.
When the shock tests are to be conducted at a Government laboratory a complete set of master and outline
drawings shall accompany the equipment.
4.4.6 Test reports. - Test reports shall be prepared for all tests conducted by the contractor, including the
shock and inclination tests. Recorded data of the compressor performance tests may be logged on
contractor's forms, The following identification data for each compressor unit shall be included in
the test report:
(a) Serial numbers of the compressor, driving unit, and control.
(b) Ship vessel for which intended,
(c) Contract or order number,
(d) Actual net weight of the unit in the "dry" and "wet" condition.
. Distribution of compressor performance test reports shall be as follows:
(a) Two to the bureau or agent] concerned.
(b) Two to each Supervisor of Shipbuilding for each ship's worth of compressors
furnished (one for supervisor's files; balance for shipbuilder) for privately
built Ships.
(c) Two to each Naval shipyard for each ship's-worth of compressors for
Navy built ships.
(d) One for primary inspection officer.
(e) One for branceh inspection office (if any).
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