| ![]() MIL-C-18087A(SH) Tooth hardness. Tooth and spline surfaces shall be hardened by
nitriding or carburizing in accordance with table I, footnotes 3 and 4.
3.4.8 Use of aluminum alloys. Housing parts or guards may be made of
aluminum alloy in weight critical applications (see table I), if specified
(see 6.2).
3 4.8.1 Corrosion protection. In order to prevent deterioration due to
corrosion, bolts, nuts, studs, pins, springs, screws, cap screws, and other
fastenings or fittings used with aluminum alloy parts shall be of a corrosion
resisting material, or of a material treated in a manner to render it resistant to
corrosion. Aluminum alloy parts shall be anodized in accordance with MIL-A-8625
or otherwise treated by a process that provides at least equal protection against
corrosion. Zinc and cadmium plating shall not be used on fasteners or other parts
exposed to lubricating oil. Substitute with QQ-S-365, MIL-C-26074, or MIL-C-83488.
Contact between dissimilar aluminum alloys or dissimilar metals shall be avoided
as much as possible. Where assembly of dissimilar metals with aluminum alloys is
unavoidable, the alloys shall have their faying surfaces anodized. Where threaded
surfaces or faying surfaces may require disassembly in service, an antiseize
compound in accordance with MIL-A-907 shall be used. Fastener install ation. Through bolting is preferred for the
assembly of aluminum alloy parts, and is mandatory when the assemblies are highly
stressed or subject to vibrating loads (see Where the use of cap
screws , stud bolts, or machine screws is necessary, parts shall be threaded into
steel inserts cast or screwed into the aluminum alloy. The steel inserts shall be
pinned or prick punched in such a manner to prevent their backing out. Copper
alloys, such as brass or bronze, shall not be used in threaded contact with
aluminum alloys.
3.4.9 Shock. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), clutches shall meet the
shock design requirements of the parent equipment. When alternative shock design
requirements are specified, they shall be in accordance with the grade A,
hull-mounted requirements of MIL-S-901
Clutches shall be tested with parent
3.4.10 Balance. Clutch parts rotating at more than 150 r/rein shall be
balanced dynamically. The addition of weights to correct for balance after finish
machining shall not be permitted. Balance shall be accomplished by removal of
metal. Balancing shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-167-1. Assembly. dynam ic balance. Distance pieces with all integral parts
shall be given a final dynamic balance as a unit. Clutch elements which are
mounted on connected machinery shall be given a final dynamic balance with the
attached machinery assembly, where possible. Low noise or vibration requirement. When low noise or vibration
requirements are imposed for parent equipment, or when in situ balancing is
required for parent equipment (see 6.2), the parent equipment requirements shall
also apply for the clutches.
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