| ![]() MIL-C-18087A(SH)
4.6.3 Piping. Piping shall be inspected in accordance with the applicable
material specifications and MIL-STD-278, except as follows:
(a) Small sections of low pressure piping (such as lube oil) shall not
require hydrostatic tests. Magnaflux inspection of welds is
(b) Piping which is furnished in sections which shall be fitted and
welded to form final assembly by the shipbuilder and which will be
hydrostatically tested by the shipbuilder shall not require
hydrostatic tests by the manufacturer.
4.6.4 Stati c test. The first article of each type clutch design shall be
statically tested at 200 percent of rated torque from the parent equipment for 1
minute to determine conformance to 3.3.1 4. For examination and failure to pass
examination, see
4.6 4.1 Examina tion after static test
Clutches shall be examined for
deformation, cracks, extrusion, loosening of fasteners, displacement of snap rings
and other damage that is visible. Any of the foregoing or other defects which
would adversely affect operation or life shall be cause for rejection.
4.6 5 Shock test
Clutches shall be tested with parent equipment.
Acceptance criteria shall be specified in accordance with MIL-S-901 (see 3.4.9).
4,6.5.1 Examination after sh ock test. Clutches shall be examined for
deformation, cracks, extrusion, loosening of fasteners, displacement of snap rings _
and other damage that is visible. Any of the foregoing or other defects which
would adversely affect operation or life shall be cause for rejection. Tooth and
rubber elements shall be examined in accordance with
4.6 6 Dynamic tests. Clutches shall be tested with the parent equipment
Also, unless otherwise specified (see 6.2) each new clutch design shall success-
fully pass a 4000 cycle engagement/disengagement test under conditions simulating
actual clutch operation.
4 6 6.1 Inspection during dynamic tests. During the dynamic tests, a check
shall be made of the clutches for the following:
Adequate lubrication.
Quiet running.
Freedom from vibration.
Wearing of parts.
Tightness of casing and piping connections.
Adequacy of oil seals. Examination af te r dynamic tests. Dental tooth type connections
shall be examined for distress as specified in NAVSEA 0901-LP-420-0007, chapter
9420. Rubber elements shall be examined for deformation, cracks, and extrusion.
4.6 6.3 Failure to pass examination after dynamic tests. Evidence of
probable unsatisfactory operation in service apparent on the dynamic tests shall
be considered cause for rejection of the clutch.
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