| ![]() MIL-C-18244A(WEP)
Automatic Flight Control Systems (AFCS)
Categories of Operation , The control function or functions to be performed
by automatic flight control systems or components shall be determined from the military character-
istics or the requirements of the aircraft or class of aircraft in which the equipment shall be used.
By definition, the automatic control functions shall fall within the following categories:
Augmentation - The augmentation category shall include those control
functions which are required to improve the stability and handling characteristics of the vehicle.
The damping of the longitudinal or direction-lateral oscillatory mode shall be governed by the
requirements specified in Specification MIL-F-8785.
Pilot Assist or Pilot Relief - The pilot assist or pilot relief category shall
include those automatic control functions which simplify or ease the control of the flight path of the
aircraft. These functions include but shall not necessarily be limited to the following:
(a) Attitude Hold (Pitch and Roll)
(b) Heading Hold
(c) Heading Select
(d) Automatic Turn Coordination
(e) Side Slip Limiting
(f) Altitude Hold
(g) Mach Hold
(h) Return to Level
(i) Control Stick Maneuvering
Guidance - The guidance category shall include those control functions
which provide automatic fligh path control in accordance with steering signals generated by guidance
and control systems external to the flight control system. The category shall include the following
types of control functions:
Enroute navigation
Rendevous and station keeping
Terminal guidance for bomb delivery
(d) Search and tracking for fire control
(e) Automatic takeoff, approach and landing
Inertial Flight Path Control
(g) Automatic Terrain Avoidance
Choice of Components - Systems, subsystems and components shalt be
selected from the following categories in the order listed, consistent with the applicable requirement
and specifications:
(a) In operational use, or under procurement for operational use, by the
same service.
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