| MIL-C-18244A(WEP)
Interchangeability - All assemblies having the same manufacturer's part number
shall be directly and completely interchangeable with respect to installation and performance without
adjustment. Reordered Equipment or Second Source Procurement - Where models or drawings
of components of systems are furnished by the procuring activity on a contract to facilitate inter-
changeable construction, or where procurement is for equipment to provide interchangeable use with
equipment previously procured, and the requirements for interchangeability contradict the current
requirements of one or more MIL specifications, the contract requirements for interchangeability
shall govern without additional approval by the procuring activity,
Repairability - No assembly or subassembly shall be encapsulated or permanently
sealed without written approval of the procuring activity. This requirement is established to insure
access whenever necessary to repairable parts in components and/or assemblies.
Functional Design Requirements
Conditions for Engagement - Unless the automatic flight control system and
integrated portions of other systems are properly energized and synchronized, it shall not be possible
to engage the system or to switch from one functional category or mode of operation to another. It
shall be possible to engage the augmentation mode independently of any other function or mode of the
automatic fright control system. No control transients, which exceed the limits of, shall
occur when switching from one functional mode of operation to another or when disengaging the system.
Unless otherwise specified in the system specification, all control axes shall be engaged and disen-
gaged simultaneously. Means shall be provided so that the pilot can visually determine the operation
status of the system.
Warm-up - After the application of power, the warm-up time required shall be
not more than 90 seconds for fighter or attack type aircraft and not more than 3 minutes for other
types of aircraft,
Synchronization - The system design shall be such that, upon engagement, the
aircraft's attitude or other comtrol mode will be maintained, or the aircraft will be displaced at a
predetermined rate to a predetermined attitude as defined in the system specification covering the
particular automatic flight control system. Synchronization indication, if required, shall be as
specified in the system specification. The synchronization rate shall be such that no transients
exceeding the limits of shall occur due to system engagement or mode switching after the
completion of any maneuver up to the maneuver limits of the aircraft.
Disengagement - Provisions shall be made for inflight disengagement and reengage-
ment of the automatic flight control system. Disengagement shall be positive under any and all load
conditions. Disengagement switches shall be normally closed and shall be located in accordance
with the requirements of MIL-STD-203. A disengagement not initiated by the pilot shall be indicated
by means which shall be approved by the procuring activity. In the event that servo disengagement
should result from action of the structural protective means, the circuitry shall provide for
immediate re-engagement at the pilot's discretion.
Series Actuators - The series actuators shall, after deactivating, be positively
centered and capable of transmitting full control system load without creep. The rate of centering
shall be such that no undesirable transients will be introduced. Unless a dual cross monitoring
system, including dual separate actuators with a common output is used, series actuators having
more than 40 percent primary control authority shall not be used.
Overpower - With the automatic flight control system engaged and operating,
it shall be possible to manually overpower or countermand the control action of the system on all
axes. For fixed-wing aircraft_ the maximum steady forces required to maneuver the aircraft within
its design limits about all axes, subsequent to overpowering or countermanding control system action
shall not exceed the values specified in Sections 3.3 and 3.4 of Specification MIL-F-8585; in addition
the maximum instantaneous forces shall not exceed 120 percent of the maximum steady force.
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