| ![]() MIL-C-18244A(WEP)
Reliability - The structural protective means shall be designed for maximum
reliability and shall be self-monitoring, Electrical power applied within the limits shown in 3.2.7
shall not cause the structural protective means to become inoperative.
Protection Against Prohibited Maneuvers - Devices which protect against
prohibited maneuvers, whether initiated by the pilot or by the automatic flight control system (i.e.
command signal limiting as a function of velocity - normal load limits, pitch-up inhibitors, etc.)
shall be provided as specified in the applicable system specification. The design of the protective
devices shall be similar to
Pre-Flight Check- Means shall be incorporated into the design of the AFCS
to enable the pilot to determine the operational ability of the AFCS while the airplane is on the ground
prior to take-off. Additional equipment needed to meet such pilot pre-flight check requirements shall
be kept to a minimum, shall be integrated into the AFCS, and shall not require use of ground test
equipment. The pilot shall be enabled to initiate the pre-flight tests and to observe the results from
the airplane cockpit. A means of activation to be mounted in the cockpit of the airplane, shall be pro-
vided for use in initiation of the pre-flight test. Other than the means of activation, the pre-flight
test shall not require the installation of additional controls in the cockpit area. It shall be possible
to perform all pre-flight tests by manipulation by the pilot of the following equipment.
(a) The AFCS pre-flight test means of activation.
(b) The airplane control stick
(c) The airplane control pedals.
(d) The controls on the AFCS control console.
(e) The AFCS emergency disengage switch on the stick grip.
The results of the pre-flight tests shall indicate to the pilot the proper functioning of all electronic
and electrical equipment of the AFCS which perform flight control funtions to the extent that no
unsafe condition shall occur upon engagement of the AFCS. Specifically, the tests shall indicate to
the pilot that inputs to the rudder, elevator and aileron channels of the AFCS shall result in corre-
sponding displacements of the rudder, elevator and aileron control power mechanisms. Tests shall
indicate whether or not any malfunctions exist in the structural protection system. Indication of
functioning of gyro sensors, flight data unit, or signal sources external to the AFCS is not required,
except: indicating of proper functioning of control stick force sensor and force switches is required.
The AFCS pre-flight tests subsystem shall enable the pilot to complete all pre-flight tests in a time
not to exceed 2 minutes after elapse of warm-up period specified herein or after satisfaction of AFCS
interlocks from equipment not supplied by the vendor whichever occurs hitter. The pre-flight tests
are not required to indicate the operating condition of any equipment beyond whether or not the
equipment is in a functionable or non-functionable condition.
General Tie-in Requirements - Provisions shall be made for the acceptance
of external guidance signals from various computers generating. the necessary commands in attitude,
speed, altitude, flight path rate, acceleration, etc., to control the aircraft's flight path.
Reference Voltage - Unless otherwise specified in applicable specifications,
the input signal to the automatic flight control system shall be based on the same voltage source as
the corresponding feedback signal of the automatic flight control system. This shall prevent the
voltage variations from changing the correlation between the commanded and actual value.
Command Signal Limiting - Means shall be provided to limit the command
signals from external guidance systems, to that the automatic flight control system will not cause
the aircraft to exceed maneuver limits that are inconsistent with the external guidance function and
flight conditions. Such means shall be located immediately prior to the input to the amplifier.
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