| ![]() MIL-C-18244A(WEP)
Roll Transient Response - The short period roil response shall be smooth
and rapid. After the automatic flight control system has been manually overpowered, and the over-
powered controls released upon reaching a bank angle of apprximately 20 degrees, the aircraft shall
return to the initial roll attitude within one overshoot which shall not exceed 20 percent of the initial
deviation. Residual Oscillations During Steady State Flight - Residual oscillations as
measured in the cockpit during steady flight shall not produce normal accelerations, ao,lateral
accelerations, ay, attittude amplitudes, θ(pitch), (yaw), and (roll) greater than the following:
Heading Hold - When the beading hold is engaged, the automatic flight con-
trol system shall maintain the aircraft at its existing heading within a static accuracy of + 0.5 degree
with respect to the gyro accuracy.
Transient Response - The short period heading response shall be smooth
and rapid. After overpowering the rudder and generating a sideslip angle corresponding to approxi-
mately 0.15 g lateral acceleration, the aircraft shall return to the reference heading within one over-
shoot which shall not exceed 20 percent of the initial deviation.
Heading Select - Where heading select is a system requirement, the auto-
matic flight control system shall automatically turn the aircraft through the smallest angle (left or
right) to a heading either selected or preselected by the pilot and maintain that heading as in the head-
ing hold mode. The heading selector shall have 360 degrees control The bank angle while turning
to the selected heading shall be limited to a bank angle designated by the procuring activity. The
pilot shall be able to select any other bank angle by exerting the required force on the stick to
command the new bank angle, then releasing the force. The aircraft shall not roll in a direction
other than the direction required for the aircraft to assume its proper bank angle. In addition, the
roll in and roll out shall be accomplished smoothly with no noticeable variation in roll rate.
Transient Response - Entry into and termination of the turn shall be smooth
and rapid. The aircraft shall not overshoot the selected headings by more than 1.5 degrees.
Automatic Turn Coordination -
Lateral Acceleration Limits, Steady Bank - The uncoordinated sideslip angle
shall be not greater than 2 degrees and the lateral acceleration shall not exceed 0.03 g, whichever is
the more stringent requirement, while at steady state bank angles up to 60 degrees. Lateral accel-
eration in all cases shall refer to body-axis acceleration at the center of gravity.
Lateral Acceleration Limits, Rolling - For aircraft having a roll velocity
capability up to 60 degrees per second the lateral acceleration, while the aircraft is in essentially
constant altitude flight and rolling from 60 degrees on one side to 60 degrees on the other up to this
roll velocity, shall be maintained within + 0.1 g by the automatic flight control system. For aircraft
having a roll velocity capability in excess of 60 degrees per second, the lateral acceleration, while
the aircraft is rolling at velocities up to its rolling velocity limit, shall be maintained within 0.2 g.
Sideslip Limiting - Where sideslip limiting is a system requirement, the
static accuracy while the aircraft is in straight and level flight shall be maintained within a sideslip
angle of 1 degree or a sideslip angle corresponding to a lateral acceleration of O.02 g, whichever is
the lower.
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