| MIL-C-18244A(WEP)
Materials, parts and Processes- In the selection of electronic materials,
parts, and processes, fulfillment of major design objectives shall be the prime consideration, In so
doing, the following factors shall govern:
Modules - The electronic portions of the equipment shall be divided into
modules conforming to Specification MIL-E-19600. At this level, modules may be repairable or
nonrepairable in accordance with Specification MIL-E-5400, When possible, microelectronic
processes shall be used; then these modules shall be subdivided. further into nonrepairable (expend-
able) modules in accordance with instructions to be obtained from the procuring activity. Each non-
reps.trable module will be treated as a single part and nonstandard part approval must be obtained.
The parts and materials used within the expendable module must be equal to or superior to that
required by MIL specifications for similar items, MIL-STD items need not necessarily be used.
The expendable module, as a whole, must pass electrical and environmental requirements. Draw-
ings used for the purchase or construction of the module must be sufficiently complete to permit the
construction of the module by other than the original manufacturer. All modules must be designed
for long, reliable life.
Microelectronic Processes - The electronic portions of the equipment shall
be constructed using microelectronic processes to the greatest extent possible. The processes used
shall include the following with priority as shown: (See 6.3)
(a) The diffusion of various materials into a semiconducting base material,
(b) The evaporation or chemical deposition of thin films of various materials
on an insulating base material.
Standard and Nonstandard Parts and Material - Conventional parts may be
used only when the performance requirements of the equipment cannot be met by using the require-
ments of, or when specifically authorized by the procuring activity. To the extent possible
consistent with the requirements herein, materials, parts, processes and nonstandard parts approval
requirements of Specification MIL-E-5400 shall be followed.
Lubrication - Where applicable, lubrication of the components and systems
shall be in accordance with Specification MIL-L-6880. Lubrication fittings shall be in accordance.
with Specification MIL- F-3541, MS15001 and MSl5002-1 and -2.
Materials - The materials utilized in the components and systems shall be
entirely suitable for the service and purpose intended. When Government specifications exist for
the type material being used, the materials shall conform to these specifications. Nonspecification
materials may be used if it is shown that they are more suitable for the purpose than specification
Workmanship - Workmanship shall be sufficiently high grade throughout to
insure proper operation and service life of the systems and components. The quality of the items
being produced shall uniformly high and shall not depreciate from the quality of qualification test items.
Standardization - When possible, contractor designed equipment which has
been approved for use in some models of aircraft shall also be used in later model airplanes if the
installation and requirements are similar. This procedure will reduce supply problems, test and
qualification expenses, and provide tried and proven equipment which should be more reliable.
Totalizing Time Meter - Units of the equipment shall include a time totaliz-
ing meter conforming with the applicable requirements of Specification MIL-M-7793. Control boxes,
mounting bases, junction boxes, small indicators and other items not susceptible to failure, due to
circuitry and moving parts, shall be exempt from this requirement.
Planning and Procedural Requirements -
Technical Development Plan - A technical development plan or program
guide shall be established for the AFCS, and shall be submitted to the procuring activity for review
and approval. This plan shall be revised and kept up to date as necessary. Revisions shall be sub.
mitted as part of the quarterly progress report to the procuring activity until it is mutually agreed
that the revision usefulness has ended. The plan shall, in general, conform to the following:
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